Complete Lest || of events

On June the 13th 2010, at the San Carlo Theatre in Naples, took place the Awarding Ceremony for the Mediterranean Awards 2010
The Mediterranean Award for Culture was assigned to the Italian sculptor Mario Molinari, his work "Totem for Peace" is a symbol of peace in the world. 

Jacopo Pesarelli, responsable for the Programme "Totem for Peace", promoted by Fondazione Mediterraneo, attended the ceremony and received the award by Mr. Armando Fagotto, representative of Sikkens Akzo Nobel.

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The awarding ceremony for the Mediterranean Awards 2010 took place on the 13th June of 2010 at the Theatre of San Carlo in Naples.
The Mediterranean Award "Silver Dolphin" -  the "Totem of Peace" by sculptor Mario Molinari - was given in remembrance of Baltasar Porcel, writer, journalist and literary critic. 
Presente alla Cerimonia la vedova Maria Angels Roque che è stata premiata dal Presidente della Camera di Commercio di Latina Vincenzo Zottola.

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The awarding ceremony for the Mediterranean Awards 2010 took place on the 13th of June 2010 at the Theatre of San Carlo in Naples.

The Mediterranean Award "Silver Dolphin"the "Totem of Peace" by sculptor Mario Molinari - was given to Sergio Piazzi, Secretary General of the Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly.
Sergio Piazzi attended the ceremony and was awarded by the Mayor of Rutino Michele Voria.

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The awarding ceremony for the Mediterranean Awards 2010 took place on the 13th of June 2010 at the Theatre of San Carlo in Naples.

The Mediterranean Award "Silver Dolphin" - the "Totem of Peace" by sculptor Mario Molinari - was given to H.E. Msg. Giuseppe Rocco Favale, Bishop of Vallo della Lucania.
H.E. Rocco Favale attended the ceremony and was awarded by Leonzio Borea, Head of the National Office of the Civil Service.

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