Complete Lest || of events

The awarding ceremony for the Mediterranean Awards 2010 took place on the 13th of June 2010 at the Theatre of San Carlo in Naples.

The Mediterranean Media Award 2010 - the "Totem of Peace" by sculptor Mario Molinari - was given to the television station Al Jazeera.

The journalist Barbara Serra attended the ceremony and was awarded by the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and the Secretary General of the Valenzi Foundation Roberto Race.

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The awarding ceremony for the Mediterranean Awards 2010 took place on the 13th of June 2010 at the Theatre of San Carlo in Naples.

The Mediterranean Media Award 2010 - the "Totem of Peace" by sculptor Mario Molinari - was given to the newspaper La Vanguardia.
The journalist Enric Juliana attended the ceremony and was awarded by the the Secretary General of the Valenzi Foundation Roberto Race.

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In the context of the Yacht Med Festival and on the occasion of the presentation of the book NostroMareNostro by Michele Capasso, the Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" 2010 was delivered to the young artist from Latina Cecilia Chiavelli, for the work the artist titled as the book NostroMareNostro by Michele Capasso.

The work is an oil painting of 150 cm X 100 cm representing a stylized “M” realized with natural materials from the Mediterranean land, as pebbles of the sea symbolizing "souls" and "faces".

“The meaning of the work – said the President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, awarding the artist - is a message of solidarity and union among the communities of the Mediterranean".

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On April the 12th, in the Vesuvio Hall at Fondazione Mediterraneo (Via Depretis, 130 - near Municipio Square), Ursula Plassnik, Austrian Foreign Minister (2004-2008) received the “Mediterranean Award for Diplomacy 2009-2010”.

The jury
conferred, unanimously, the award to Minister Plassnik for promoting the Euro-Arab dialogue through diplomatic initiatives that may constitute a coalition of shared values and interests fully involving civil society.



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