Complete Lest || of events

The "Second Italy-Africa Conference" was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Farnesina).
Three hundred and fifty delegates representing 46 African countries and 13 international organizations, including the African Union.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo expresses its satisfaction with this important initiative which represents an important moment of structured dialogue between Italy and the states of the African continent.
President Mattarella said in his speech that "The main objective for the future depends on the ability to work together to go beyond the logic of emergence, governing the phenomenon, removing the root causes".
President Capasso underlined the need to structure a stable partnership between Italy and the African countries in order to create more actions capable of training young people in Africa: "In the near future - said Capasso - Italy, following the path of aging of its population, it will need migrants capable of assuming operational roles in society: the challenge is to know how to train and integrate them by abandoning the concept of "tolerance" to assume that of "coexistence".

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President Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari spoke at the presentation of "Immaginare il Mediterraneo": the number 26 of the magazine "Notebook of Mediterraneo" edited by IEMED and dedicated to intercultural dialogue and the reality of Mediterranean societies. The Spanish School of History and Archeology of Rome co-organized this event with the participation of:

  • José Ramón Urquijo Goitia, Director of the Escuela Española de Historia y Aqueología CSIC;
  • Michele Capasso, president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo;
  • Senén Florensa, president of the IEMed Delegate Commission;
  • Maria-Àngels Roque, director of área Culture (IEMed).

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The president Michele Capasso visited the ship "Amerigo Vespucci" anchored in the port of Naples, next to the Totem of Peace with the urn of the unknown migrant.
Welcomed by the deputy commander and the crew, president Capasso expressed his appreciation for a unique maritime tradition and for a ship that honors Italy.
On this occasion, the titles of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" were awarded.

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