Complete Lest || of events

The president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso intervened in Pescara at the WPFG event on the protection and safeguard of the Adriatic Sea.
Capasso underlined the Foundation's commitment since 1994 to defend the Adriatic from all possible pollution that would constitute the end of the "sea-lake"

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Palermo says goodbye to Rita Borsellino with a long applause at the end of the funeral.
The church 'Madonna della Provvidenza-Don Orione' has been filled with the function for the sister of the magistrate killed in the massacre in Via D'Amelio, who died on August 15th at the age of 73 after a long illness.
So many ordinary people, but also representatives of institutions and the political world arrived for the final farewell.
Accompanied by a very long applause the message that Claudio, son of Rita, gave to all those who attended the funeral: "Uncle Paolo always said that each of us has to do something, each for what he can and for what he knows." Mom knew how to love and respect people, she taught us how to do it, everyone who can and for what I'm going to ask you out of here to take the same commitment, each for what you can and everyone for what you know ".
President Capasso said: "Rita Borsellino has been able to transform anger into love for young people".

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"My thoughts go today to Antonio Stanzione, Matteo Bertonati, Gerardo Esposito and Giovanni Battiloro: the 4 young people of Torre del Greco - the city where I was born - who died from the collapse of the Morandi bridge in Genoa.
To the excruciating pain and to the closeness with the Prayer to the families must be added a reflection on the disasters that our humanity makes every moment, in every place and in all the disciplines.
Only the profound assumption of a new ethics based not on profit but on the quadrinomial COMPETENCE - RESPONSIBILITY - PASSION - SOLIDARITY can avoid the repetition of these tragedies and nourish in young people a new hope able to make them HAPPINESS OF POSITIVE! ".
These are the words of President Capasso on the occasion of the funeral of the young victims of the Morandi bridge coming from Torre del Greco.

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