Complete Lest || of events

Mid-August working diluted by a pleasant walk and meeting with Ambassador Senen Florensa: longtime friend and a partner of many initiatives for the Mediterranean.
But the heart is in Genoa: a city that has joined the Mediterranean Foundation from the very beginning and to which our support and solidarity now goes.

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After years of commitment to the management of the "House of Prayer of St. Biagio delle FMA" Sister Maria Letizia leaves and returns to the North for another job. Great party in Pescasseroli and San Biagio with the Holy Mass.
President Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari donated a copy of the volume "Lo Specchio del Mare Mediterraneo" to Sister Maria Letizia.

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President Capasso on the occasion of the fifth year since the aisappearance of Abuna Paolo (Father Paolo Dall'Oglio) reminded the Museum of Peace MAMT - with videos, photos and documents - the Jesuit "in love with Islam and a believer in Jesus", as he loved to define himself.
So many memories and actions that have marked years of collaboration for dialogue and peace.
"I am still touched today - says Capasso - when to convince Muslims and Catholics to dialogue in a difficult moment of clashes and disputes, I disguised myself as Santa Claus to ease the tension: Paolo understood and, with a knowing look, encouraged me to continue".
He did not like to tell Paolo and when we gave him the EUROMED and MEDITERRANEAN AWARD he embraced us strongly saying that this recognition was for the whole monastic community and not for him.

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The Foundation supports the Jerash Festival 2018. Music, dance and art from Jordan, the Arab world and the five continents are on stage until 4 August in Jordan, at the Jerash festival, against the backdrop of the ruins of the ancient Roman city. An event on which Jordan has announced its hopes of increasing the numbers of tourism, in crisis in recent years.

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