Complete Lest || of events

Among the participants in the international conference "MINI INVASIVITY IN PERIODONTOLOGY AND TRADITIONAL APPROACH IMPLANTOLOGY" - of which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is a partner - visiting the Museum of Peace - MAMT, the Minister of the University of the Arab Republic of Egypt prof. Khaled Abd El Ghaffar.

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At the end of the international conference "MINI INVASIVITY IN PERIODONTOLOGY AND TRADITIONAL APPROACH IMPLANTOLOGY" prof. Gilberto Sammartino - chairman of S.E.N.A.M.E (Implantology and modern dentistry International association) presented to the president Michele Capasso, to the minister of the University of Egypt Khaled Abd El Ghaffar and to other participants the prestigious title of "Honorary Member" of the Association S.E.N.A.M.E.

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The Director General of the Generalitat of Catalonia for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Dr. Ramon Sentmartì Castané, visited the Museum MAMT and the Fondazione Mediterraneo and expressing satisfaction for the thirty-year action carried out in favor of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.
Catalonia supports the Foundation in the Mediterranean Diet promotion project which will also be part of the program of the POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014-2020 call for action 3.3.2, specific objective 3.3.
In particular, Catalonia, partner of the Campania Region in the MD-Net project, will collaborate for the creation of the emotional video on the Mediterranean Diet and on the emblematic areas to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List: among these the Cilento.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo participated as an associate partner in the launch event of the European territorial cooperation project "MD.NET - MEDITERRANEAN DIET: WHEN BRAND MEET PEOPLE”.
Scope of the project is to consolidate an international network aimed at exploiting the Mediterranean Diet cultural identity to promote local actions of social cohesion and sustainable development. The transnational cooperation in the production chain ofthe MD will mainly serve to create new businesses and stimulate creativity and innovation in traditional crafts and productions, while providing contributions and good practices in maintaining ecological balance.
The partnership will implement sharing economy initiatives by integrating local working groups of young entrepreneurs, public bodies, associations with actors in scientific research and international partnerships.
The meeting provided the opportunity to bring together international partners with associated partners and actors from Campania, presenting the objectives, the state of the art and the work to be done in Cilento for the next four years of the project.
The president Michele Capasso coordinated the "Workshop 1 - The story of the Mediterranean diet".

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Coordinator: Michele Capasso – Fondazione Mediterraneo
Animator: Fabrizio Mangoni – Federico II University – Architect, urbanist, expert in MD.
The Mediterranean Diet is example of "living" cultural heritage and driver of social cohesion.
To appreciate the Mediterranean Diet tale as life style a lot of creative work and research is still required to make the relationship between words and things, between stories of people and products of the earth, between saying and doing, between taste and emotions. The Mediterranean Diet food has methods of processing, preservation and maturing practiced in certain territories in a homogeneous manner, according to traditional rules and protracted over time. We speak about limited yield, entrusted to the tenacity of some operators, direct farmers and entrepreneurs.
The tradition factor confers, among other things, to the productions different useful characteristics:

  • historicity (origins of local communities and their close relationship with environment and territory)
  • familiarity (memory and vocations of one's historical roots)
  • rediscovery (search for quality, taste, details)
  • excellences (peculiar organoleptic characteristics).

The narration of the MD - using all available tools and technologies –can be an indispensable tool for companies to disseminate information on food safety, production techniques, control and guarantee systems, implementation of tourism linked to the emotional paths of food.
It is also desirable to reach a "universal philosophy" of the Mediterranean Diet able to support km "0" agro-products.
An appropriate narration can enhance the role of soil in the circular economy, especially referring to the main products of the Mediterranean Diet and the diffusion of EFH (Environment, Food and Healt) methodologies that aims to promoteaging in health and the fight against obesity.
Members of the Anna Lindh Italia Federation participated.

Esperti: Rossella Galletti – Università Suor Orsola Benincasa; Roula Papadopoulou – Region of Crete; Donatella Tramontano – Università Federico II e Gens ONG; Ferdinando Gandolfi – Region Campania; Marco Dianti, Ombretta Sciandra – Province of Trento; Elena Tsangaridi (Communication Officer of Troodos Dev.Company – Unesco Global Geopark).

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