Complete Lest || of events

La Fondazione Mediterraneo - with webinar, skype and videoconferencing links - wanted to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Irpinia earthquake which left an indelible mark on the development of Southern Italy and, in particular, of the internal areas.
The Museum of Peace - MAMT made available videos, documentaries and testimonies that accompanied the key moments of the event.
President Michele Capasso duly recalled that day and the tragedy he saw with his own eyes in the following days, when he visited the completely destroyed villages accompanied by fellow architects from the area. And then the solidarity actions, the hospitality in San Sebastiano al Vesuvio of the inhabitants of Conza della Campania and other countries, with a bond that lasts indissoluble over time.
"In this moment of great planetary emergency - said President Capasso - I remember two lessons in similar tragedies: the eruption of Vesuvius in 1944 and the earthquake in Irpinia in 1980. The keystone of the rebirth was not politics, even then steeped in sloppiness, inefficiency and often corruption, but the redemption of people forced to UNITE to ACT TOGETHER: “ALL UNITED WE WILL SING”, my grandfather and father said to the inhabitants of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio entirely destroyed by the lava of 1944; "PRESIDENT PERTINI, GIVE US A MESSAGE OF HOPE TO ACT ALL TOGETHER WITH GENROUS IN SOLIDARITY", said the inhabitants of the Irpinia towns - while they mourned their dead - to our beloved President of the Republic.
Here is the keystone: in tragedies we must take advantage of a feeling of unity and rare generosity in solidarity which on other occasions does not exist and which constitutes the turning point for reconstruction. The other element is SPEED: "FATEPRESTO" was the title of "IL MATTINO" the day after the earthquake. "DO IT HAPPY AND WELL" is the appeal I make to today's politicians, eliminating all divisions and particular interests and winning, for once, competence, passion and honesty. On this we will be judged !.

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As part of a collaboration between UNESCO and the Musée, UNESCO launched in November 2019 a series of Master Classes for secondary-school students.
Conceived as spaces for dialogue, they aim to empower young people by strengthening their understanding and capacity to combat discrimination, intolerance, and growing inequalities, as well as promote sustainable impact by engaging youth to become proactive agents of change and trainers within their own schools and communities.
This special edition of UNESCO’s Master Classes against Racism and Discriminations is organized within the framework of World Philosophy Day. It invites young secondary school students to question the prejudices and social stereotypes that lead to racism and discrimination through the critical study of the construction of "the other".
The analysis of racism as a philosophical object will lead these students to deconstruct the concept of "race", decompose their preconceived ideas and adopt innovative anti-racist strategies that they can then implement in their institutions and communities.
In doing so, this Master Class will underline the enduring value of philosophy for the development of human thought for each individual and culture and will support us in the building of a more respectful and tolerant society through collectively exercising reasoned and informed thinking.


  • Introduction of the Master Class by Ms Anna Maria Majlöf, Chief a.i. Inclusion and Rights Section of UNESCO
  • Presentations and interactive discussions with students:
    • Mr Arnaud Demanche, Comedian
    • Prof. Carole Reynaud-Paligot, Historian, sociologist, University of Pantheon-Sorbonne 
    • Prof. Lazare Ki-Zerbo, Philosopher
    • Prof. Rose Boswell, Executive Dean of Arts at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
    • Mr Sanele Xaba, Activist and founder of the Rolled Sleeves Outreach Programme
    • Moderator: Ms Arleen Pimentel, Permanent Delegation of the Dominican Republic to UNESCO
  • Dialogue session to create commitments to be implemented in schools and communities (intervention by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Federazione Anna Lindh Italia)
  • Closing remarks
  • Musical interludes by Ms Paloma Fayet 

Objectives of the Master Class:

  • Empower young people, through this peer-learning forum, by strengthening their understanding and capacity to combat racism and inequalities;
  • Shed light on what underlies issues of racial prejudice and discrimination, and understand how and why they are spread online and offline, in the media, in public space and in all spheres of life;
  • Engage youth to become proactive agents of change and trainers within their own schools, families and communities for a sustainable impact;
  • Inspire policymakers, at the global, national and local levels, community leaders and teachers, to pursue collective efforts in their fight against racism and discrimination.

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Round table on the exhibition “Dalí Siena - From Galileo Galilei to Surrealism” inaugurated at the Palazzo delle Papesse in Siena. The exhibition benefits from the patronage of the Municipality of Siena, the Bank of Italy and the Siena Astronomical Observatory and was previewed this morning by the Managing Director Ferruccio Carminati and Roberto Panté Creative Director of The Dalì Universe who curated the 'event.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo - connected via skype - intervened: "Salvador Dalí was not only a painter, but also a multifaceted and eclectic artist in the true sense of the word. He was widely recognized as a sculptor, writer, illustrator, director, designer of jewels and much more. The passion and the overwhelming desire to express himself in the field of sculpture were a constant in his life. He was particularly interested in sculpture from 1934 until 1987 ".

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After a few months of work - despite the blocks due to “covid 19 - the Fondazione Mediterraneo has completed the portal“ LA CAMPANIA DELLE EMOZIONI ”. Nine videos from 2 to 100 minutes that tell, with 4K high definition images, the beauties of Campania. President Capasso thanked Rosanna Rinaldi, the volunteers and the members of the Scientific Committee who made possible what many call a masterpiece.
Precisely today when Campania is represented at the lowest levels, being able to tell it through the unique beauties of 16 UNESCO heritage attractions is an important fact. The initiative was supported with a co-financing of € 10,000.00 from the UOD 1 "Libraries and Museums" of the Campania Region.

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On the last day before the closing of the museums - scheduled by the DCPM for tomorrow - and in full compliance with Covid 19 rules, museum visitors paid tribute to Gigi Proietti on the day of his funeral.
In the 107 video walls of the Museum, videos, images and testimonies on the great Roman artist were projected. Many people flocked to the windows overlooking Piazza Municipio where the video walls from November 2 had the image of Gigi Proietti with the words "thank you Gigi".
More than 150 people, distributed over the various floors, then attended the live funeral in the whole articulation (Campidoglio, Villa Borghese, Piazza del Popolo). "Great emotion and appreciation for an artist of great humanity" said President

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