Complete Lest || of events

Great influx of links and contacts on the multimedia platform of the Museum of Peace - MAMT for the centenary of the birth of Regina Bianchi.
In the interval between the first and the second show of the theatrical company of father Raffaele and mother Maria, in a dressing room of a Lecce theater, on January 1st 1921 Regina Bianchi was born, probably the Filumena Marturano par excellence of the Edwardian theater together with the cinematographic Sophia Loren. She is the daughter of art, indeed of the stage, on which she climbs only eight days old, in the role of a ... baby girl. A circumstance that then she will make her say: «at all ages, I have always worked». Many years later she told Fiamma Satta herself how things went: she had been put to sleep in a trunk, emptied of costumes and transformed into a comfortable and safe cradle. That day the property master forgot to procure a puppet that would serve as a baby on stage. And so Regina's father had the idea of ​​using her little girl.
Until the age of 16 Regina worked in the company of Italo Bianchi, her father's stage name, with his surname, D'Antigny, then she understood that "that was not a form of theater that could give me a track, a framework, for another type of theater that I, on the other hand, intended to do ». And so, she leaves the paternal company. After having worked for a year in the company of Mimì Maggio, Dante's father, Rosa, Virgilio and Pupella, the enterprising Regina in the summer of 1938 shows up at Raffaele Viviani's house "with braids and rolled up white socks" and asks to join the company. Satisfied, she receives her first open stage applause, in the only scene performed; Viviani himself, with an affectionate gesture, brings her back to the audience for this first ovation. In 1940 Italo Bianchi receives a phone call from Eduardo De Filippo: "I need you to send me Regina". The young actress then began to work for the De Filippo, but they were difficult years, divided as she is between the stage and the two girls born from the relationship with her partner, the director Goffredo Alessandrini, former husband of Anna Magnani, met in 1939 in occasion of his first film: The glass bridge.

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From March 2020 to today, the portals and multimedia platform of the Museum of Peace - MAMT brought together over 300,000 virtual visitors who were able to enjoy the main events, such as the Mediterranean Award and the Anniversaries, concerts and emotional videos in high definition: in particularly those of the program "LA CAMPANIA DELLE EMOZIONI".
“An important result - said President Capasso - which has made it possible to spread the emotional heritage of the Museum even in this difficult period of pandemic”
: the anniversaries celebrated at the museum through digital platforms are particularly important.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo participated - as a partner - in the "Living LAB Mediterranean Diet", held webinar with the partners and officials of the Campania Region and SCABEC.
The president of the Michele Capasso Foundation, also as an expert on the program, expressed appreciation for the initiative and for the quality of the 8 project proposals.
On this occasion, President Capasso proposed to jointly make the emotional video of the Museum of Peace - MAMT dedicated to "THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET" and thanked prof. Domenico Nicoletti - president of the Lucan Apennine National Park - for the expressions of esteem and recognition addressed to the thirty-year work of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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On the occasion of the "Living LAB - Mediterranean Diet" - webinar held with the partners and officials of the Campania Region and SCABEC - the president of the Michele Capasso Foundation proposed to create together the next "emotional" video for the Museum of Peace - MAMT dedicated, in fact, to the "MEDITERRANEAN DIET", a UNESCO heritage site.
On this occasion, the president Capasso thanked prof. Domenico Nicoletti - president of the Lucan Apennine National Park - for the expressions of esteem and recognition addressed to the thirty-year work of the Fondazione Mediterraneo

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With a series of webinar events - held at the headquarters of the Museum of Peace - MAMT in Naples, at the headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo in Rome and in other locations where members of the "Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation" are located - the "World Day of human rights".
The slogan chosen for the 2020 edition is "Recover Better - Stand up for Human Rights".
The focus has inevitably been on the pandemic and the need to ensure that human rights are at the heart of recovery efforts.
"People and their rights - wrote United Nations Secretary General António Guterres - must be at the center of responses and recovery. December 10 is the occasion - concludes Guterres - to reaffirm the importance of human rights in the reconstruction of world we want, the need for global solidarity, as well as our interconnectedness and shared humanity ".
"Universal reference frameworks such as health coverage for all are needed to defeat this pandemic and protect us for the future", underlined the president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso at the end of his speech. The crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic has increased poverty, increased inequalities and discrimination, highlighting gaps in the protection of human rights. This is why, on the occasion of this Day, the Foundation and the Anna Lindh Italia Federation onlus wanted to share a programmatic manifesto to address the main critical issues that emerged strongly in this 2020:

  • end discrimination of all kinds: structural discrimination and racism fueled the crisis. Equality and non-discrimination are fundamental requirements for a post-Covid
  • world tackling inequalities: it is necessary to promote and protect economic, social and cultural rights for a new social contract encourage participation and solidarity: from individuals to governments, from civil society and grassroots communities to the private sector, all have a role in building a better post-Covid world for present and future generations
  • promoting sustainable development: human rights, the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement are the cornerstones of a recovery that leaves no one behind

World Human Rights Day is a supranational celebration held around the world on December 10 of every year. The date was chosen to commemorate the proclamation by the United Nations General Assembly of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 1948.
The formal establishment of the Day took place during the 317th global meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on December 4, 1950, when Resolution 423 (V) was promulgated, inviting all member states and all organizations involved and interested to celebrate the day in the way that suits them best.
The Day is one of the flagship events on the calendar of the United Nations Headquarters in New York and is honored with high-profile political conferences and cultural events such as exhibitions or concerts on the subject of human rights. Furthermore, on this day the two most important awards on the subject are traditionally awarded, namely the five-year United Nations Human Rights Prize, awarded in New York, and the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo; in addition to these awards, many other international, non-governmental, civil and humanitarian organizations all over the planet choose this day for significant events: among them the “Fondazione Mediterraneo” and the “Anna Lindh Italia Federation onlus”

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