Complete Lest || of events

The twenty-second anniversary is dedicated to the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.
Many students connected to the multimedia portal of the museum where - in the section “The great protagonists of history” - videos, images and documents on the President of the Republic so dear to Italians are available.
President Michele Capasso recalled the friendship between President Ciampi and Predrag Matvejevic' - co-founder of the Fondazione Mediterraneo - and the support given to the institution since the beginning of his presidential term.
The Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic Antonio Maccanico has always personally brought the message and the support of President Ciampi to the most significant initiatives of the Foundation. The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella recalled Carlo Azeglio Ciampi stating: "The Italian Republic, on the centenary of his birth, pays tribute to his figure as a citizen who has placed his skills, his ideals, his passion, at the service of democracy and the Constitution, deserving esteem and gratitude. The cohesion and unity of the country, the drive for the union of Europe, were the permanent guidelines of his action, in every role he covered, in the most delicate passages and even in the moments of greatest difficulty that he had to face. He was animated by his profound confidence in the values ​​of our country's civilization and in his ability to take the most far-sighted decisions, overcoming the most demanding challenges. Ciampi's determination in wanting to associate Italy with the leading group that wanted the birth of the euro still contributes to the credibility capital enjoyed by the Republic at an international level ", concluded the Head of State.
One hundred years after its birth, Rai has remembered and celebrated it with a dedicated schedule on all radio, TV and web networks and newspapers: events broadcast on the external video walls of the Museum of Peace - MAMT and which involved passersby and all those connected webinar. A memory that joins other initiatives such as the stamp issued by the Ministry of Economic Development and disseminated by the Italian Post Office, a conference in Livorno, and the docu-film “Ciampi. Bella la mi 'Livorno ”signed by Marco Guelfi and co-produced by
Rai Teche.

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The twenty-first anniversary is dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the death of the sculptor Mario Molinari.
Many students connected to the multimedia portal of the museum where - in the emotional path “Mario Molinari” - videos, images and, above all, the works of the “Sculptor of Color” so dear to young people are available. President Michele Capasso recalled the friendship with the Molinari family since 1995, the experience of the Biennial of young artists from Europe and the Mediterranean in Turin, the "Totem of Peace" - which the Foundation with Pia and Jacopo Molinari is spreading all over the world - and the other monumental works that characterized the life of the great Turin sculptor.
A memory that joins other initiatives such as the next "Totem of Peace" on the island of Lampedusa, the monumental work "Concerto di parole" in Turin for "Artist's Lights 2020", initiatives for young people

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With many webinar links women representing various fields - politics, culture, religion, volunteering, education, science, etc. - members of the KIMIYYA program of the Fondazione Mediterraneo celebrated the "World Day against violence against women" at the Museum of Peace - MAMT. The women members of the “Anna Lindh Italia Federation” participated.
It was the UN assembly in 1999 that chose this date in memory of the sacrifice of the sisters Patria, Minerva and Maria Teresa Mirabal, killed by agents of the dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo in the Dominican Republic. But what is the story of the Mirabal sisters? To find out, we need to go back to 1960. On November 25 of that year, in fact, three sisters were killed by agents of the dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, in Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic.
After being stopped in the street on their way to prison to visit their husbands, they were beaten with sticks and thrown into a ravine by their executioners, who tried to put the brutal violence through an accident. It was immediately clear to public opinion that the three women had been murdered. Patria, Minerva and María Teresa Mirabal - these are their names - were, in fact, known as activists of the clandestine group Movimento 14 giugno, disliked by the government. Because of their militancy, in January 1960, they were also arrested and jailed for a few months, as the page dedicated to their history published in the Encyclopedia of Women recalls

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Webinar celebrated at the Museum of Peace - MAMT the twenty-fifth anniversary of the "UNITED STATES OF EUROPE" program, launched by the Mediterranean Foundation on November 25, 1995. When it was born thirty years ago, in 1990, the Mediterranean Foundation launched the first idea of ​​the Manifesto on "THE UNITED STATES OF EUROPE". After 5 years, on 24 and 25 November 1995, he organized the international conference "THE MEDITERRANEAN AND EUROPE" in Naples with the Appeal for Europe and the Mediterranean presented to the Euro-Mediterranean Foreign Ministers who met for the first time in Barcelona.
The conference was held under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic and with the patronage of the UN was conceived, organized and directed by the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo. Collaborated: the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies; UNESCO; UNICEF; the Embassies of Albania, Bosnia, Cyprus, Lebanon, Morocco and Spain; the Consulates of France and Germany; the Campania Region; the WWF; Greenpeace Mediterranean; the Carabinieri Ecological Operational Unit; the Turin Book Fair; the Faculty of Art and Science of Rome; the Municipalities of Bari, Genoa, Imperia, Turin, Trieste, Sarajevo and Naples; the Orient Occident Foundation; the Italian Association of Environmental Pathology and Ecology; the University of Naples "Federico II"; the Department of Eastern European Studies of the Oriental University Institute of Naples; the University of Palermo; the La Sorbonne University of Paris; the Institute of the Arab World of Paris; the Department of Studies of Naples; the Committee of Information and Initiatives for Peace of Rome.
President Capasso underlines the relevance of the Appeal because even today, in this difficult moment due to the pandemic, the need for the UNITED STATES OF EUROPE is felt, especially in strategic areas: foreign policy, common defense, health protection, the economy, transport, etc. “Among the dearest memories - concludes the president Capasso - the certificates of esteem of dear friends, such as the great journalist Igor Man, the writer Claudio Magris and others

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