Complete Lest || of events

Completed the emotional video "The Campania emotions" that will enrich the enjoyment of the Peace Museum - MAMT.
The most beautiful places in Campania filming in high definition with the new 4K technology will transport visitors on a unique journey and unrepeatable.

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As part of the MAMT MUSEUM OF PEACE multimedia re-socialization project, a team of technicians, filmmakers and filmmakers are playing "emotional" videos - with the new "4K" high definition technology and with the help of drones - on most sites important in Campania: from Naples to Salerno, from Pompei to Capri, from Padula to Procida, from Ischia to the Amalfi Coast, from Irpinia to Sannio, from the Royal Palace of Caserta to Cuma and so on.
By the end of the year they will be available in the new videowalls of the Museum and will convey unique emotions that make this Museum unique in its kind and heritage of humanity.

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