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Great influx of links and contacts on the multimedia platform of the Museum of Peace - MAMT for the centenary of the birth of Giulietta Masina.
100 years ago in San Giorgio di Piano, a stone's throw from Bologna, Giulietta Masina was born, the unforgettable muse of Federico Fellini who would take leave of the stage lights on 23 March 1994, a few months after the death of her husband, the great Rimini.
The daughter of a violinist and a teacher, Giulietta grew up in Rome as a guest of a Milanese aunt who was widowed. She attends schools in an Ursuline college where she becomes familiar with the stage, in school plays and then at the university theater Ateneo. You began working on the radio in 1942, paired with the famous announcer Angelo Zanobini.
The two interpret the popular adventures of Cico and Pallina (first engaged and then newlyweds) in the column "Il terziglio": the skits are written by a very young Federico Fellini. Juliet marries him a year later, on 30 October 1943.
In 1945, after the dramatic mourning for the loss of her son Pier Federico who died just 11 days after her birth, Giulietta graduated in literature and returned to the theater paired with a very young Marcello Mastroianni with Leo Ferrero's "Angelica". She then she chooses the radio again with the new "Adventures of Cico and Pallina" and snatches a part in "Paisà" by Roberto Rossellini.

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At the Museum of Peace - MAMT we remembered Sister Maria Pia Giudici on the first anniversary of her ascent to heaven. Images, poems, paintings, books, interviews and much more on the large video walls of the Museum have told the long life of a nun who made the Gospel and Love for Jesus the foundation of her existence.
The president Michele Capasso, moved, recalled the long affectionate friendship with Sister Maria Pia and the example of a simple life in joy, well summarized in the film "MARIA PIA GIUDICI: JOY IN A SIMPLE LIFE".
On 21.02.2021 in connection with the San Biagio House of Prayer (Subiaco) there will be a moment of collective remembrance.
On this occasion, the visits of Sister Maria Pia to the Don Bosco Museum and Chapel were remembered.

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Today the 96th anniversary of the birth of Raffaele Capasso and the 68th anniversary of the birth of Massimo Troisi were celebrated at the Museum of Peace - MAMT. Born on the same day 28 years apart. Raffaele smiled when in 1984 he met Massimo for the first time and told him: "We born on February 19th are stubborn but we were born to give our contribution to others".
A common thread unites these two "special" characters born on the slopes of Vesuvius in two neighboring countries (San Sebastiano al Vesuvio and San Giorgio a Cremano): a realistic pessimism and, at the same time, the stubbornness to reach the goal, at any cost.
Raffaele Capasso did it by dedicating his life to rebuild the destroyed town, until the day of his death.
Massimo Troisi did this by reciting in the masterpiece "Il Postino" until a few days before his death, even though he was aware of the weakness of his sick heart.
These anniversaries coincide with the inauguration of President Draghi who concluded his speech to the Italian Parliament yesterday by stating that "Unity is not an option but a duty of all".
Raffaele Capasso coined the motto "Only all united we will sing": where "singing together" meant committing oneself to fight the adversities of life and nature by carrying out a difficult work of reconstruction, transforming what appeared "impossible" into "possible". Massimo Troisi often said that his success was not "individual" but due to a "united team" that has always supported him. It is important, especially for the new generations, not to forget these indispensable examples for building a better future despite the difficult time humanity is going through

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The international Atelier on the Mediterranean Diet was held with the presentation of the partnership. Moderated by Carmela Cotrone, the following intervened:

  • Fondazione Mediterraneo [Lead Partner] - Michele Capasso
  • Cilento SCpA System - Aniello Onorati
  • BioDistretto Cilento Association - Emilio Buonomo
  • LivingLab MDnet Association - Maria Rosaria Nese / Luca Coppola
  • Futuridea Association - Carmine Nardone

Presentation of the MESA proposal Management project of the Palazzo dei Principi Capano International Mediterranean Diet Study Center 'Angelo Vassallo' by Maria Rosaria Nese. Suggestions of the Scientific Committee:

  • Filipe Themudo Barata
  • Salvatore Basile
  • Pilar Bonet
  • Maria Grazia Caso
  • Annamaria Colao
  • Giuseppe Gramigna
  • Domenico Nicoletti
  • Valeria Pezza 18:15-18:50

At the end of the workshop there was a discussion on the prospects and opportunities for a common strategy.

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UIL School teachers from various parts of Italy - in compliance with the distances and Covid rules - visited the "Churchill Room" of the Museum re-reading the text that the British statesman wrote about the "United States of Europe".
"A significant symbolic act - they said - necessary at this very moment to strengthen the minimal traces of a united and united Europe that are leaving a distinctive mark in this difficult moment in human history".
The teachers recalled the visit to the Museum and the "Churchill Room" on May 31, 2018 by viewing the photos and documents of that day in the visitors' archive.
At the end of the visit, President Capasso gave visitors the booklet on the "Churchill Room" containing documents and images on the history and authenticity of the site where the British statesman stayed in the months of August and October 1944

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