Complete Lest || of events

The MAMT Peace Museum celebrated the "Sunday of the sea" with the celebration of the Holy Mass dedicated to the migrants who died in the sea. Previously, homage was paid to the "TOTEM DELLAPACE" with the urn of the unknown migrant in the port of Naples.
Every year, 11 July is an opportunity to remember the 1.7 million workers of the maritime industry, but also the many chaplains and volunteers of the "Stella Maris" who continue to offer their support, at every latitude.
"The world has stopped, but ships have never stopped carrying medical equipment and essential medicines from one port to another to support the fight against the spread of the virus", recalled Cardinal Peter K.A. Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, in the message for the day.
The Day was born in England in 1975 on the initiative of the Apostolate of the Sea, the Mission to Seafarers and the Sailors' Society, but then took on an international and ecumenical dimension. In Italy it was celebrated in a particular way in Savona, with the Holy Mass broadcast live on RaiUno and on the large video walls of the Museum.
Pope Francis, in the Angelus from the Gemelli Hospital, recalled the importance of the sea as a place of solidarity and love
On this occasion, the Fondazione Mediterraneo sent a letter to the Minister for Ecological Transition professor Roberto Cingolani requesting the establishment of a "control room" for an integrated governance of issues related to the sea and the development of targeted strategies for its protection.

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On the occasion of the “International Refugee Day” at the Museum of Peace MAMT, the Mediterranean Foundation commemorated 30 years of activity in favor of migrants and refugees. Many students from Neapolitan schools and the province - in compliance with the COvid 19 rules - visited the “Voices of Migrants” route and commented on the most touching and moving testimonies.
President Michele Capasso said:

"This Day is more heartfelt than ever due to the arrival in Italy of many refugees from Syria, Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia in transit to other European countries in search of a future. People fleeing wars and persecutions who bring their life here, to have a life. The stories of refugees belong to our culture and for this reason the MAMT Peace Museum has created an emotional journey dedicated to them: not to forget! ”.

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On the occasion of the 118th anniversary of his birth, the Museum of Peace MAMT has dedicated a section of the emotional journeys to Gustavo Adolfo Rol.
A personality of great importance of the '900 that many have defined "an enlightened spirit" born to help others. Among his admirers and friends of him
Federico Fellini, Franco Zeffirelli, Albert Einstein, Charles De Gaulle, Marcello Mastroianni, Mario and Pia Molinari and many others.

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The Councilor for Education of the Campania Region Prof. Armida Filippelli visited the Museum of Peace MAMT welcomed by the president Michele Capasso and the director Pia Molinari.
“A Museum that projects Naples and Campania into the World: from the Cradle of Western Civilization to the Mediterranean and to the World! For the values ​​of peace, freedom and democracy. I hope that all the students of the world have the opportunity to visit it. Thank you!".
These are the words written on the register of honor by Councilor Armida Filippelli at the end of the long visit to the Museum and after viewing the main emotional paths: from the "Great Mosque" to "Pino Daniele Alive"; from "Ancient Egypt" to "Voices of Migrants"; from the "World Salesian Oratory" to the "Totem of Peace".
Councilor Filippelli expressed a particular heartfelt appreciation for President Michele Capasso who has been promoting dialogue and peace for 30 years by assigning the Campania Region a role of primary importance in this process

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo participates in the photographic exhibition entitled: "GUSTAVO ADOLFO ROL: THE POSSIBILITIES OF INFINITY 2.0". An extraordinary opportunity to understand one of the most significant enlightened spirits of the twentieth century.
Gustavo Rol is told at the Museum of Peace - MAMT in a section dedicated to him

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