Complete Lest || of events

In compliance with the distancing and the Covid 19 protocols, many students attended the Museum of Peace - MAMT to celebrate the "World Environment Day", now in its 47th edition this year.
The first was held in 1974 with the slogan "Only One Earth". Theme that has always set the tone for this anniversary, dedicated to critical awareness of the environment and its protection. The urgency, however, has increased year after year. In 1974, the overshoot day, that is, the day when we consumed the natural resources that the world is capable of regenerating in a year and we begin to "gnaw" those of the future, fell on November 27. This year, however, it will fall on July 29, two months earlier.
The students were able to see on the large video walls the message of the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres who concluded on a positive note, inviting them to look to the future rather than the past, and calling for action
President Michele Capasso gave the students exemplary books of the book "This our good earth", written with the late Sister Maria Pia Giudici and stressed the need not to regret the havoc of the past but to think about the future: protecting creation, planting trees , making our cities green, changing our eating habits and depolluting the sea, coasts and waterways.
On this occasion, President Capasso presented the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD program and the videos THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET and CILENTO EMOZIONI SENZA TEMPO to young people

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After an intense work of external filming with drones and high definition cinematographic cameras and an accurate post-production work, the 36 videos in three languages of the program "LA CAMPANIA DELLE EMOZIONI" - co-financed by the Campania Region within the framework of the ERDF 2014 - 2020 (SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 3.3. - ACTION 3.3.2 - CUP B62I18000620007).
The companies "Rinaldi Rosanna" and "4 Movies s.r.l." they have made every effort and professionalism to achieve the creation of a product of the highest quality, consistent with the emotional videos of the Museum of Peace - MAMT: themselves "the emotional heritage of humanity".
The testimonies of the operators confirm what has been achieved

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The redevelopment of the space located on the ground floor of the Museum of Peace - MAMT, which will host the "THE CAMPANIA OF EMOTIONS" program, co-financed by the Campania Region under the ERDF 2014 - 2020 has been completed (SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 3.3. - ACTION 3.3.2 - CUP B62I18000620007).
The inauguration is scheduled for June 16, 2021.
In 2 immersive rooms, with large video walls and interactive screens, it will be possible to enjoy in high definition 4K and with “Bose” surround sound 36 emotional videos on the great attractions of the Campania Region: from Vesuvius to Paestum; from Cilento to Pompeii; from the Certosa di Padula to Baia; from Herculaneum to Cuma; from Capri to Ischia and Procida; from Naples to Salerno, Benevento Avellino, Caserta; from the Amalfi Coast to the Sorrento Coast; from the Mediterranean diet to the art of the pizza maker.
The videos are available "Online" on 3 youtube channels and on the FB page
The president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo prof. Michele Capasso congratulated the companies "Caiazzo srl", "CNS r.l.", "Edilromolo" and others for their commitment and collaboration.

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The online channels in three languages ​​were activated on "Youtube" concerning the "LA CAMPANIA DELLE EMOZIONI" program, co-financed by the Campania Region under the 2014-2020 ERDF (SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 3.3. - ACTION 3.3.2 - CUP B62I18000620007).
The inauguration is scheduled for June 14, 2021.
In addition to being accessible "online" on the platform of the Museum of Peace - MAMT, on 3 youtube channels and on the FB page, in 2 immersive rooms - with large video walls and interactive screens - specially set up on the ground floor of the Peace Museum - MAMT will be possible enjoy 36 emotional videos on the great attractions of the Campania Region in high definition 4K and with “Bose” surround sounds: from Vesuvius to Paestum; from Cilento to Pompeii; from the Certosa di Padula to Baia; from Herculaneum to Cuma; from Capri to Ischia and Procida; from Naples to Salerno, Benevento Avellino, Caserta; from the Amalfi Coast to the Sorrento Coast; from the Mediterranean diet to the art of the pizza maker

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A commemorative ceremony was held at the Museum of Peace - MAMT on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the Capaci massacre.
From 8 am on the large screens - internal and external - of the Museum connections with Palermo: first with the Port where the students performed the Hymn by Mameli, with the presence of the Minister Bianchi and Maria Falcone, then with the bunker room of the Ucciardone for the memory in the presence of President Mattarella and finally at the "Falcone tree".
At the same time there was participation in the "Dialogues on the mafias", with the Caponnetto Foundation and OMCOM - Mediterranean Observatory on organized crime and mafias

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