Complete Lest || of events

Visitors from various cities in Italy were enthusiastic about the high definition videos of the program THE CAMPANIA OF EMOTIONS.

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The Neapolitan world of culture met the various candidates for Mayor of Naples. On September 21, 2021, a meeting was held at the FOQUS Foundation with Prof. Gaetano Manfredi.
In his long speech, President Michele Capasso recalled Prof. Manfredi's recent visit to the Museum of Peace - MAMT and stressed the need for Naples to "fly high".
"Naples - he said - has a great opportunity that can find concrete development if we work with competence and sense of Common Good".

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On the occasion of the 31st anniversary of his death, the MAMT - Museum of Peace remembers Raffaele Capasso, Mayor of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio for 35 years and an example of a politician dedicated to the "Common Good".
Appreciation for the work done by Mayor Capasso was expressed by many visitors: among them Emma Bonino, Benedetto Dalla Vedova and many others who stressed the importance of "Politics" with a capital "P".
For this occasion, a special edition of the book "IL VIAGGIO DEL SIGNOR NIENTE" dedicated to Raffaele Capasso was distributed to the candidates for Mayor of Naples.

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On the occasion of the inauguration of the travelling exhibition "PINO DANIELE ALIVE" - in the presence, among others, of the Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini - the Fondazione Mediterraneo presented at the Museum of Peace - MAMT the preview of the emotional video "PINO È TERRA MIA".
The video contains, among other things, the main testimonies of visitors, young people and colleagues visiting the "PINO DANIELE ALIVE" section of the Museum of Peace: from Ornella Vanoni to Clementino, from Tullio De Piscopo to Peppe Lanzetta, from Dario Franceschini to Giorgio Verdelli.
This video was made on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, which saw the adhesion of many countries to the project "UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD" promoted by the Fondazione since 1990 and inspired by GUSTAVO ROL: the protagonists are the young people of all countries together to share knowledge and fight the enemies often created by ourselves (wars, pandemics, social injustice, destruction of creation, climate change, etc.). The Fondazione Mediterraneo is "preserving" the heritage of the United States of the World, which is not only the environment, monuments, archaeology, art, etc. but also - and above all - the legacy of great protagonists that deserves to be handed down as an example to the new generations. For Naples, the Foundation has proposed - among others - Totò, Eduardo, Enrico Caruso, Massimo Troisi and Pino Daniele: and it is precisely on the latter that this film was made, which also includes some of the testimonies of visitors and fellow musicians and singers visiting the section of the Museum of Peace - MAMT dedicated to him.
The title "PINO E' TERRA MIA" is intended to testify to the profound and indissoluble bond between the great musician and Naples: the city of a thousand colours that still requires a strong commitment to becoming once again a great capital capable of "Thinking European" and "Breathing Mediterranean". Directed by Michele Capasso, it is a story that unfolds through testimonies, news reports and archive footage that draw a distinctive portrait of the man and the musician. The video was made with the contribution of the Campania Region (UOD 01 - Promotion and enhancement of Museums and Libraries - E.F. 2021).

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