MAMT||Museo Mediterraneo dell' Arte, della Musica e delle Tradizioni (EN)

On the occasion of the “International Refugee Day” at the Museum of Peace MAMT, the Mediterranean Foundation commemorated 30 years of activity in favor of migrants and refugees. Many students from Neapolitan schools and the province - in compliance with the COvid 19 rules - visited the “Voices of Migrants” route and commented on the most touching and moving testimonies.
President Michele Capasso said:

"This Day is more heartfelt than ever due to the arrival in Italy of many refugees from Syria, Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia in transit to other European countries in search of a future. People fleeing wars and persecutions who bring their life here, to have a life. The stories of refugees belong to our culture and for this reason the MAMT Peace Museum has created an emotional journey dedicated to them: not to forget! ”.