Complete Lest || of events

Dr. Anita Florio - manager of the Campania Region's Operational Unit "Promotion and Enhancement of Museums and Libraries" - once again visited the Museum and its Library, accompanied by her husband, sister and brother-in-law.
On this occasion, appreciation was expressed for the continuous development of the Museum and for the creation of routes dedicated to the visually impaired with the installation of Braille plates and tactile plans.

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The tenth joint meeting of the International Committee and the Council of Ambassadors of the United States of the World took place - partly in presence and partly by "zoom" connection.
Among the topics on the agenda:

  1. The designation of the seat of the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD.
  2. The planning of the constituent assembly of the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD.
  3. The unresolved issues concerning the institutional seat of the "Pierce Palace".

On point 1, President Ahmed Jebli stressed his satisfaction, after almost thirty years, at having reached the ratification of the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD and announced the choice of the "Pierce Palace" as the seat, hoping for the involvement of the Italian Government for the assignment of the entire building of the former "Grand Hotel de Londres" in a short time in order to allow the representatives of the adhering countries.
On point 2, President Capasso announced the organisation of the Constituent Assembly of the United States of the World for the end of May, pending confirmation of the date by the UN Secretary General and other representatives such as the US President.
On point 3, President Ben Achour emphasised the now urgent need to define the pending issues relating to the Naples headquarters of the Museum of Peace - MAMT and the international institutions (to which the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD is added) and concerning the allocation of new spaces, the exclusive use of the access staircase for reasons of security and integrity of the functions, the temporal adjustment of the concessions to the 99 years deliberated by the Campania Region considering that the fundamental condition set by the 43 adhering countries was to have an institutional seat in ownership or for a long period considering the investments to be made and the high institutional representativeness. President Ben Achour and the ambassadors present recalled the Appeal sent in October 2019 still without result and the need - even in this difficult period - for a decisive meeting with Prime Minister Draghi.
The participants thanked Senator Pierferdinando Casini for his support of the "UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD" project.

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The Forum of the Political Academy (Tunisia), the Fondazione Mediterraneo (Italy) and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Germany) organized the International Conference on the theme "GLOBALIZATION AFTER THE PANDEMIA AND THE CHALLENGES OF STATES: BALANCES AND PROSPECTS".
The Conference consisted of six working sessions held over two days.
Politicians and scientists from various countries participated and the event - with its recommendations - constitutes a reference for the present moment.
On this occasion was presented, with the ambassadors and representatives of various countries, the symbol of the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD adopted by the majority of countries to share knowledge, fight inequalities, combat climate change and pandemics. Among the various working sessions "Globalization and financial democracy: the role of banks in the post-pandemic" with the participation - among others - of the President of the Cooperative Credit Bank Amedeo Manzo, the President of the Industrial Union of Naples, Maurizio Manfellotto, Senator Giuseppe Lumia and many others.
The President of the Senate, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, sent a message of congratulations to the Fondazione Mediterraneo, testifying to the importance of this international event.

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Representatives of the "Forum de l'Académie Politique", led by President Hayet Doghri, and of the "Konrad Adenauer Stiftung", led by the resident representative of the Tunisian office, Malte Gaier, visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
Welcomed by President Michele Capasso and Director Pia Molinari, they expressed their appreciation for the Museum's thirty years of work, which is a world heritage site, and for the section dedicated to the sculptor Molinari with the "Molinari House-Museum".

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The Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia in Italy Moez Sinaoui - with other representatives of Tunisia such as the Consul in Naples Beya Ben Abdelbaki, Mohamed-El Aziz Ben Achour (former Minister of Culture and Director General of ALECSO) with his wife Wassyla, the President of the Forum of the Académie Politique Hayet Doghri and others - inaugurated the "Tunisia Room" of the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
After cutting the ribbon with the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and the Director of the Museum of Peace - MAMT Pia Molinari, the Ambassador welcomed the initiative stating:
"It is a great honour for me to have inaugurated the "Tunisia Room" in the wonderful Museum of Peace - MAMT of the Fondazione Mediterraneo. On this occasion, I would like to pay tribute to Michele Capasso's commitment to bringing the peoples of the Mediterranean closer together and to the value of peace and cooperation across the "Mare Nostrum".

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