Complete Lest || of events

The "Second International Day of Human Brotherhood", established by the UN General Assembly after the historic meeting in Dubai between Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Cairo Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, was celebrated at the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso summarised the Holy Father's message and emphasised how the human and spiritual charisma of Pope Francis was united in a historic embrace in Dubai with that of the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, recalling the meeting between St Francis and the Sultan of Egypt Malik al Kamel in Damietta, which opened the way for dialogue centuries later.
"The meeting, which took place from 3 to 5 February 2019," Capasso said, "was full of significance: the first time of Pope Francis' visit to the Arab Emirates, but also the first Pope in history".
On 4 February 2019, during the Holy Father's trip to the United Arab Emirates, Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar (Cairo), Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, signed the Document on Human Brotherhood for Peace, which also gave rise to the International Day of Brotherhood called by the UN for 4 February.
"Remembering this celebration - concluded Capasso - means carrying it in our hearts and we are called to live it in the first person, letting the spirit of respect, dialogue, tolerance and fraternity prevail, to face the great world crisis, and in our own small way, we must bring hope and suitable, innovative and effective tools to get out, as brothers, from this prolonged pandemic, a real challenge for humanity!
Everyone, without distinction, has been affected, and if on the one hand the pandemic has put us all on the same level, without any religious or political differences, on the other hand it has increased poverty in many peoples, it has allowed wars and abuses of power to continue on their way, at the expense of poor people, sometimes claiming a religious war that does not exist, but is dictated only by the logic of power".

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On the occasion of the Feast dedicated to St John Bosco - in compliance with the anti-Covid 19 regulations - numerous initiatives were held at the Museum of Peace: meetings of youth groups, visits to the emotional paths dedicated to Don Bosco, common prayers in the Chapel with the relics of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello.
On this occasion a Holy Mass was celebrated with a moment of prayer and reflection on Don Bosco's work for young people.
President Michele Capasso recalled the significant moments of the establishment of the WORLD SALESIAN ORATORY with the visits of the Rector Major Don Angel Fernandez Artime and the Mother Superior of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Yvonne Reungoat.

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Today at the Museum of Peace, President Michele Capasso and some members of the Foundation's Board of Directors and International Committee commemorated Oscar Luigi Scàlfaro on the tenth anniversary of his death.
In particular, they underlined the support of the President of the Republic Scàlfaro (December 1997) to the project of the "United States of the World" and to the action of the Foundation in favour of peace and dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean area.

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As every year - in strict compliance with anti-Covid 19 regulations - the Museum of Peace held various events with school students (connected in DAD) and selected groups of visitors on the occasion of the 2022 "Day of Remembrance". In the Israel Room - inaugurated by Shimon Peres - various videos were screened, some of them unpublished, on the Shoah and the deportation of the Jews to the various concentration camps.
There was particular emotion and participation in the testimonies of Andra and Tatiana Bucci during their visit to the Museum of Peace. Their story is moving: daughters of Jewish mothers, in 1944 - when they were only 6 and 4 years old - they were deported to Auschwitz and survived.
Today Tatiana lives in Brussels, while Andra lives between the United States and Europe. On this occasion, the book "Sergio's Story" by Alessandra Viola, Andra Bucci and Tatiana Bucci was presented: the story of their Neapolitan cousin who died in the concentration camps.

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A great influx of links and contacts on the multimedia platform of the Museum of Peace  - MAMT for the centenary of Giovanni Verga's death. President Michele Capasso, in connection with various schools and in DAD, recalled the figure of the great writer and playwright Giovanni Carmelo Verga di Fontanabianca (Catania, 2 September 1840 - Catania, 27 January 1922) who was also an Italian senator, considered the greatest exponent of the Verismo literary current.
Of noble birth, he lived in an environment of liberal traditions. He initially devoted himself to writing adventure novels, influenced by the works of his father Dumas, and later to others with a passionate theme, including Storia di una capinera, which was quite successful. He moved to Florence in 1869 and then to Milan where he frequented literary circles and met Arrigo Boito and Giuseppe Giacosa. The novella Nedda marked his conversion to Verismo, which led him to write his most complete work, I Malavoglia, in 1881. Together with Mastro-don Gesualdo in 1889, they constitute two of the most remarkable novels in Italian literature.
"Verga's new verist conception," said President Capasso, "placed the hinge of the literary work on the 'disappearance' of the author, making sure that in the narrative the facts developed on their own, as if by spontaneous necessity. Verga's language is rough and bare as a reflection of the world he represents, made up of both poor people as in I Malavoglia, and rich people as in Mastro-don Gesualdo, all of whom are in any case "defeated" in the daily struggle of life".
The writer also worked in the theatre, scripting some of his novellas, the most famous of which is Cavalleria rusticana, later set to music by Pietro Mascagni. Verga became a Senator of the Kingdom in 1920 by appointment of King Vittorio Emanuele III.
In the Museum's library - opened according to strict anti-Covid-19 rules - various Verga texts are available.

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