Complete Lest || of events

A choral and convinced adhesion of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and its president Michele Capasso.
The Pope's call to pray for peace in Ukraine has not gone unheard.  This evening at 7:15 p.m., there will be a video connection from the Museum of Peace with the Holy See's Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, who will preside over a special prayer for Ukraine in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, together with the Community of Sant'Egidio.
The prayer will also unite the cardinals and bishops gathered in Rome for the Permanent Council of the Italian Bishops' Conference. President Capasso, from the Don Bosco Chapel, announced that the Salesian missionaries inform that, "since the crisis in Ukraine became acute, the young people of the Salesian Oratory in Kiev have gathered in shifts of one hundred at a time for 309 evenings to recite the three Hail Marys and to share a goodnight thought in the style of Don Bosco".

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The "World Pizza Day" took place at the Museum in full compliance with Covid 19 regulations.
In the Museum's pizzeria, old recipes using sourdough were re-prepared, while on the large video walls on the five floors it was possible to enjoy the complete edition of the emotional video "THE BREAD AND THE ART OF THE PIZZAIUOLO".

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This morning a large number of visitors - in strict compliance with the Covid 19 rules - and young students, especially from primary and secondary schools, connected on the multimedia platforms and social channels of the Museum of Peace - MAMT to celebrate the "225th anniversary of the birth of the tricolour flag".
Videos, images and documents - since the first presentation of the tricolour in Genoa in 1789 - involved everyone.
Many connections, in particular with the city of Reggio Emilia for the main celebrations in that city.

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Visitors - in accordance with Covid 19 rules - and a great influx of links and contacts on the multimedia platform of the Museum Of Peace - MAMT for the ninetieth anniversary of Umberto Eco's birth. It is no exaggeration to call him one of the greatest and most influential Italian intellectuals of the 20th century. On 5 January 2022, Umberto Eco would have been ninety years old.
"He sadly left six years ago, on 19 February 2016, leaving a devastating void in the Italian intellectual world. Because Eco was the magician of witty analysis, of constructive and sometimes irreverent commentary, of acute observation on current reality. What we miss most about him today is precisely the clarity of vision that he projected on everything, illuminating it with a new light," said Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, who was moved to conclude his personal remembrance:
"What would Umberto Eco say about the current situation? How many rivers of words would he say about the pandemic, about the discussions that are currently inflaming public opinion? The silence that follows these questions is deafening, because most of all the reference - the lucid wisdom - that Umberto embodied through his impartial interpretation is missing. And it is precisely from the weight of this question and, above all, from the absence of his answer that we can determine how unbridgeable Eco's loss is for the current cultural world. Today we can trace his opinion through his writings, recompose it through a careful analysis of the words he spoke. We can make our own Umberto Eco's clear-sightedness, his ability to look at the world through the lens of culture; but it is certainly not the same thing'.
And President Capasso recalled Umberto Eco's immediate adhesion in 1997 to the Foundation's International Scientific Committee and his support to the Rector of the University of Bologna for the creation of the "Almamed" Network: an autonomous section of the Fondazione Mediterraneo that still brings together the main Mediterranean universities to spread values and knowledge to the new generations.
The Museum's large videowalls contain images, hyperlinks and the main texts written by Umberto Eco.

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The 42nd anniversary of Piersanti Mattarella's death was celebrated in the presence - in compliance with the anti-Covid 19 rules - and on the multimedia platforms of the Peace Museum.
On this occasion pages from Giovanni Grasso's book "Piersanti Mattarella. Da solo contro la mafia" and images from the programme that RAI dedicated to all its networks and newspapers.
High schools were given a description of the crime, with the subsequent investigations and the history of the trial. Above all, they were shown the human and political figure of Piersanti Mattarella through images from the Teche Rai, interviews with him and unpublished photographs.

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