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The Fondazione Mediterraneo decided to celebrate "International Women's Day" by dedicating it to Ukrainian women: innocent victims of a fratricidal war in the heart of Europe.
Throughout the day, the Museum's 107 large videowalls projected images of Ukrainian women whose dignity and lives had been violated.
So as not to forget what appears to be a tragedy of immense proportions.
President Capasso was moved and addressed the women present and those connected to the webinar:
"We want to dedicate this 8 March 2022 to the Ukrainian women who resist, who heal, who flee, who fight for life, who cry, who stand against Putin's war, who hope for Europe, who ask us to help them.
The images of Ukrainian women victims of the war flash before our eyes, now unaccustomed to this spectacle in the heart of Europe: thousands dead, hundreds of thousands displaced or exiled, cities and villages in ruins, bridges and buildings destroyed by cannon fire, monuments of culture or faith desecrated, violence and humiliation of all kinds, countless lives of simple people mutilated or torn apart forever. Human suffering cannot be summed up. Can one go beyond it?
This question is addressed at the same time to Russia, which has invaded Ukraine, but also to those who have done so little to stop this war in the heart of Europe.
What can we say, in the face of such a tragedy, of a UN unsuited to the changes in our world with bureaucratic rules and vetoes that prevent real peace action; of a NATO that has remained a prisoner of archaic defence models; of a European Union that cares so little for the rest of Europe except for economic needs and following the law of markets and merchants; of a Russia that is trying to take over from the former Soviet Union using force and violence, of all these games barely disguised by the great powers and their interests? Agreements constantly betrayed, pacts mocked and negotiators made ridiculous, international resolutions ignored, humanitarian convoys themselves becoming targets of deadly rage. Russia has provoked a war in the heart of Europe, against a 'brother-country': Ukraine. A European war that is being waged according to archaic and despotic criteria contrary to any logic. A morally illegitimate war with no legal basis. Above all, it is a war fought by causing humiliation, suffering, genocide, violations, planned and announced massacres, the victims of which are mainly women and children.
On this day we want to pay tribute to the women of Ukraine, to whom our thoughts and support go.
Let us once again throw a bottle into our sea with a common appeal to what is left of consciences on our shores".

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The Honourable Gianfranco Rotondi - member of the Culture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies - visited the headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
Welcomed by President Capasso, he expressed his appreciation for the Foundation's thirty years of activity for dialogue and peace in the Mediterranean and in the world.
On this occasion he hoped for a fruitful cooperation between the Sullo Foundation - which he presides - and the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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A great influx of visitors - in compliance with Covid 19 rules - and of links and contacts on the multimedia platform of the Museo della Pace - MAMT for the centenary of Pier Paolo Pasolini's birth.
"An anniversary that coincides with the madness of the war in Ukraine," said President Michele Capasso, "which is why Pier Paolo's message and values are more relevant than ever. Today we were in Scampia, in front of the mural depicting him: a way of paying homage to one of the most important intellectuals of the 20th century".
President Capasso recalled that Pasolini was born in Bologna on 5 March 1922.
He was a controversial author, scandalous for a long time in the Italy of his time for a homosexuality that he did not hide, 'cursed' for the circumstances of his tragic death (he was murdered at the Idroscalo di Ostia on the night between 1 and 2 November 1975), the dynamics of which have not been fully clarified, but also marked by a constant fascination with the sacred dimension (his Vangelo secondo Matteo is perhaps the most beautiful film ever made on the life of Jesus).
One hundred years from his birth is one of those round anniversaries," continues Capasso, "that bring attention and reflection to an author, and even more so to an author like Pasolini, on whose work a critical production has flourished over the years that is unparalleled by that of any other 20th-century writer.
An anniversary like this is an opportunity to ask ourselves some questions.
What is Pasolini's originality?
What are the reasons for his importance?
How is he still relevant today?
These are questions that we must try to answer without rhetoric, avoiding the temptation of hagiography: Pasolini should be addressed and discussed, not necessarily approved of in everything he did or said. His originality is linked to the extreme versatility of his creative path: Pasolini began as a poet (Poesie a Casarsa, 1942), continued as a novelist (Ragazzi di vita, 1955), continued as a film director (starting with Accattone, 1961), wrote for the theatre and newspapers, was a literary critic and columnist. He also painted: and perhaps this is the only concession to amateurism in an artistic career in which he reached the highest peaks in every field in which he ventured. But his work should be read as a whole, without separating the different genres: then it truly appears as a great 'total' work, in which the different phases intertwine in an open and mobile creative discourse.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo hosted the presentation of Gianfranco Rotondi's book: "La variante D.C. storia di un partito che non c'è più' e di uno che non c'è ancora". (Solferino Editore).
Speakers included the lawyer Domenico Salerno, the Honourable Antonio Iodice and Geremia Gaudino.
In his address, President Capasso emphasised the seriousness of the historical moment with the war in Ukraine by reading extracts from the Appeal and showing a video on the activities of the Foundation for Peace and the United States of Europe and the World.
At the previous presentation of the book, the President of the Senate, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, spoke in Avellino.

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General Ignazio Gibilaro, Inter-regional Commander of Southern Italy of the Guardia di Finanza, visited the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
Accompanied by Senator Giuseppe Lumia and Colonel Giuseppe Garofalo, the General spent many hours in a detailed visit of the emotional paths of the Museum: in particular those dedicated to the themes of peace, legality and social justice.
After discussing the topical issue of the war in Ukraine and viewing some of the many activities carried out in over thirty years by the Fondazione Mediterraneo per la pace, General Gibilaro expressed his satisfaction with a place that he described as "unique" and of extraordinary importance for dialogue and cooperation.
In the book of honour he wrote:
"Fascinated and moved by a place that is an incredible source of emotions and reflections, I thank the incomparable architect Michele Capasso for the experience he has given me".

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