Complete Lest || of events

Ten thousand streaming visitors and more than 100 in attendance - in full compliance with the anti-Covid 19 rules - between yesterday and today only on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of Pino Daniele's death: moved by the videos of the section dedicated to the great late musician.
Holland, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Kyrgyzstan, Denmark, Ireland, Moldova, Philippines, East Timor, Burma, Portugal, Russia, China, Japan, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt: some of the countries of origin of the more than 50,000 visitors to the Museum of Peace - MAMT streamed on the Museum's platforms during Christmas 2021 and, among them, many in attendance in compliance with the current anti-Covid 19 rules.

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A large number of visitors - in compliance with Covid 19 - links and contacts on the multimedia platform of the Museum of Peace - MAMT for the 40th anniversary of the death of the painter Mario Cortiello.
President Michele Capasso collected various testimonies and recalled his friendship with the painter Cortiello since 1970.
Mario Cortiello was in fact a long-standing friend of Michele Capasso who, at a young age and in his capacity as gallery owner, promoted his work with exhibitions in Italy and abroad.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo participated in this important event organised by the Council of Europe, the Ministry of Culture, the Municipality of Naples, the CNR, Federico II and SUN Universities and other institutions.
As an experience of significant cultural attraction, President Capasso presented the Museum of Peace - MAMT through an emotional video taken from the video of the 30th anniversary.

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The architect Lucetta Sanguinetti - a long-time advocate of peace and supporter of the Museum-laboratory for peace in Collegno - paid a long visit to the MAMT Museum accompanied by President and colleague Michele Capasso who guided her through the main emotional paths.
In conclusion, she expressed great admiration and appreciation for the Museum and for Michele Capasso's commitment and in particular for the section dedicated to Mario Molinari.

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