Complete Lest || of events

The "Day of Legality" was held at the Museum of Peace - MAMT with a commemorative ceremony to mark the 31st anniversary of the Capaci massacre.
From 8 a.m. on the large screens - both inside and outside - of the Museum there were connections with Palermo and other cities in Italy.
At the same time, there was participation in the "Dialogues on Mafias", with the Caponnetto Foundation and OMCOM - Mediterranean Observatory on Organised Crime and Mafias.
The Secretary-General Michele Capasso and Director Pia Molinari were present, together with students from various schools in southern Italy.

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The Secretary-General Prof. Michele Capasso and Dr. Pia Molinari spoke at the closing of the project "Travelling with Parthenope", which saw the collaboration of the United States of the World and the Fondazione Mediterraneo with stops held at the Peace Museum and in front of the monumental work "Totem for Peace" by sculptor Mario Molinari.
The project, coordinated by the "G. Caselli" Rare Institute of Naples with the contribution of "ACLI - Cultural Heritage of Naples", involved a group of enthusiastic students from different disciplines who had the opportunity to explore the evocative places in the historic centre of Naples, capturing with their cameras not only the architectural beauty, but also the millenary history and unique charm of this city.
Students from the "Graphics and Ceramic Design" course were involved to further enrich the images with their creativity, creating works that interpret the myth of "Partenope" and the history of Naples in an original and contemporary way, using ceramics as a means of expression.
"An important experience," said Secretary General Capasso, "that of "In Viaggio con Partenope" and the wish is that this journey may continue, leaving a lasting imprint in everyone's memory".

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Students and teachers from the State Agricultural Technical Institute "De Sanctis-D'Agostino" in Domicella (AV) visited the Peace Museum and the headquarters of the "United States of the World.
Welcomed by the Secretary General Prof. Michele Capasso, they walked along the main emotional paths, expressing their satisfaction for a unique place, heritage of humanity.

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A ceremony was held at the headquarters of the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace in memory of architect Vittorio Di Pace, who passed away at the age of 106 on 21 May 2013.
A member of the Foundation's Board of Directors and one of the promoters - with Gerardo Marotta and others - of the "United States of the World" and the "Interethnic City", he worked until the end for the Earth and for Peace.
Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari remembered their friend as an architect who was invaluable to the development of the Foundation.

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