Complete Lest || of events

Like every year, the Fondazione Mediterraneo celebrated "World Water Day" at the Museum of Peace MAMT.
On this occasion, participants and students highlighted the urgency of protecting water resources, especially at this difficult time in human history characterised by wars, pandemics, social injustice and climate change.
Those present relaunched the World Water Appeal for universal collaboration to reduce drought disasters, using examples of good practice such as Israeli technologies for desalinating seawater.

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President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella celebrated the Memory Day and Commitment in remembrance of the victims of the Mafia in Casal di Principe, where Don Peppe Diana was assassinated by the Camorra on 19 March 1994.
The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, who was moved, underlined the high symbolic significance of the visit and recalled the familiarity with Don Peppe, with Mother Jolanda, with Don Luigi Ciotti and the gift made by the family to the Museum of Peace: the chasuble, the breviary and many other cherished mementos of Don Peppe.
On his arrival, Mattarella paid homage at Don Diana's tomb and met his family members.
President Mattarella then went to the Guido Carli Technical Institute to meet the high school students of Casal di Principe.
At the end, President Mattarella visited the Sacristy of the Church of San Nicola di Bari where the murder of don Peppe Diana took place and visited the solidarity restaurant "Nuova Cucina Organizzata", opened in a property confiscated from the Casalesi clan. 

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Rotarians from various Italian clubs - at the invitation of the Rotary Club of Naples North-East - visited the United States of the World Headquarters and the Museum of Peace, a World Heritage Site.
After the hymns and addresses of greetings by the Presidents of the various Clubs, Secretary General Michele Capasso illustrated the mission of the United States of the World and guided the guests through the most significant emotional paths of the Museum.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo wanted to celebrate "International Women's Day" by dedicating it to Ukrainian women: innocent victims of a fratricidal war in the heart of Europe.
Throughout the day, the Peace Museum's 107 large videowalls projected images of Ukrainian women whose dignity and lives have been violated.
To NOT FORGET what increasingly appears to be a tragedy of immense proportions.
President Capasso thus addressed the women in attendance and those connected webinar:
"We want to dedicate this March 8, 2023 to the Ukrainian women who resist, who heal, who flee, who fight for life, who cry, who stand against Putin's war, who hope for Europe, who ask us to help them.
The images of Ukrainian women victims of the war flash before our eyes now unaccustomed to this spectacle in the heart of Europe: thousands dead, hundreds of thousands relocated or exiled, towns and villages in ruins, bridges and buildings destroyed by gunfire, monuments of culture or faith desecrated, violence and humiliation of all kinds, countless existences of simple people mutilated or torn apart forever. Human suffering cannot be summarized. Can one go beyond it?
This question is addressed at the same time to Russia that invaded Ukraine but also to those who have done so little to stop this war in the heart of Europe.
What can we say, in the face of such a tragedy, of a UN unsuited to the changes in our world with bureaucratic rules and vetoes that prevent real peacekeeping action; of a NATO that has remained a prisoner of archaic defense models; of a European Union that cares so little about the rest of Europe except for economic needs and following the law of markets and merchants; of a Russia trying to take back the place of the former Soviet Union by using force and violence, of all these games barely disguised by the great powers and their interests? Agreements constantly betrayed, pacts mocked and negotiators made fools of, international resolutions ignored, humanitarian convoys themselves become targets of deadly rage. Russia has provoked a war in the heart of Europe, against a "Brother Country"-Ukraine. A European war that is being waged according to archaic and despotic criteria contrary to any logic. A morally illegitimate war with no legal basis. A war above all fought by causing humiliation, suffering, genocide, violations, planned and pre-announced massacres whose victims are essentially women and children.
On this day we want to pay tribute to the women of Ukraine to whom our thoughts and help go.
Let us again throw a bottle into our sea with a common appeal intended for what remains of consciences on our shores".

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