Complete Lest || of events

The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace - MAMT celebrated the "53rd World Earth Day" with numerous initiatives: videoconferences, links, chats and - above all - the sending of 1,000 copies of the book "Questa nostra buona terra" published in 2014 by the Fondazione and written by Sister Maria Pia Giudici, who passed away on 20.02.2020 on the very day the coronavirus was spreading in Italy.
Through high quality multimedia videos, a dowry of the World Heritage Museum, it was possible to take a virtual journey through the 5 continents, giving voice to the peoples who daily guard our common home, living and fighting for the protection and recognition of the rights of each people in every corner of the Earth.
In a world too often crushed by the European interpretation of the environment and its functions, there emerges the commitment of organisations and realities that, by establishing positive relationships with nature, protect the original peoples who have always preserved the lungs of the earth. They fight together with those who work daily to serve and promote conservation, whether of the Amazon forests or the Congo forest.
Caring for these peoples means caring for the entire ecosystem, the world, our common home.
The interrelationship between the peoples of the earth, the interdependence that makes us protagonists of a common destiny, which depends on the actions of men and women in every corner of the planet, is clear. With delicate ferocity, it is current events that reveal to us the subtle but constant bond that makes us all part of and creators of our planet's future.
One people sharing one planet.
The virtual journey of the Museum of Peace - MAMT allows us to listen to those who protect the earth on a daily basis.
President Michele Capasso retraced the steps of his commitment to the earth: at the age of 16, on that 22 April 1970, he took part in the first World Day. A commitment that for half a century has seen him spread the alarm about the condition of our common home by every means, as hundreds of reports and publications testify.
As a reminder for Sister Maria Pia Giudici below is President Michele Capasso's preface to the volume 'This Good Earth of Ours'.
On this occasion, "THE APPEAL FOR THE UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD" was re-presented.

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A delegation from the Fondazione Mediterraneo with some visitors to the Museum of Peace led by President Michele Capasso took part in the Holy Mass and prayer ceremony for "Mary who loosens knots".
The ceremony, filmed live by TV2000, was broadcast on the Museum's 107 videowalls and viewed by visitors from various countries present.

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