Complete Lest || of events

A ceremony was held at the headquarters of the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace to mark the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the "Academy of the Mediterranean" - an autonomous section of the United States of the World - in Naples on 10 October 1998.
Secretary-General Michele Capasso underlined the importance of the institution desired by 35 Euro-Mediterranean countries and the fundamental role it has played in this quarter of a century to promote peace and dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean region and the world.

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On the occasion of the 31st anniversary of his death, the MAMT - Museum of Peace remembers Raffaele Capasso, Mayor of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio for 35 years and an example of a politician dedicated to the "Common Good".
Appreciation for Mayor Capasso's work was expressed by the many visitors who stressed the importance of "Politics" with a capital "P".
For this occasion, a special edition of the book "IL VIAGGIO DEL SIGNOR NIENTE" dedicated to Raffaele Capasso was distributed: among the recipients were young people from primary schools throughout Italy.

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