Complete Lest || of events

At 6 p.m., there was the presentation of the book by the author, Andrea Zepponi, Don Chisciotte a Montepulciano and the Birth of the Yard (My Monkey, Bologna 2023) followed by a concert dedicated to Maria Luisa Bartolucci, great-granddaughter of the maestro, at the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD and MUSEUM OF PEACE where the manuscripts of the rediscovered music and other precious relics are now kept.
The concert, dedicated to the Bartolucci family and attended by Simonetta and Federico Amirante, the children of Ms. The concert, dedicated to the Bartolucci family and attended by Simonetta and Federico Amirante, the children of Mrs. Maria Luisa, was performed by the operatic voices of soprano Anna Corvino and baritone Felice Tenneriello, joined by pianist Francesco Pareti, with a selection of six chamber music pieces by musician Giulio Pompeo Colombati (1836-1916) and two pieces, one vocal and one piano, by Adelmo Bartolucci (1852-1938), both musician-composers from Pergola (PU). Zepponi, who performed a nocturne by Bartolucci for piano at the end of the evening.

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The OPEN SCIENCE HUB Conference, organised by the "Phenomena Hub" and chaired by Dr. Raffaele Sperandeo, took place at the Museum of Peace .
The Open Science Hub conference concluded with a weekend during the International Research Week, during which the conclusions drawn by the working groups, special guest speakers and posters were presented. 
The ultimate goal is to recognise the scientific value of psychotherapy research through the promotion of an Open Science culture and the dissemination of information about its practice, tools and use. 
In addition to speeches by working group spokespersons and the related debate, this event also saw the presentation of research posters and the intervention of international special-guests. 
Of particular interest was the session devoted to "Ecopsychology".
Secretary General Capasso spoke, illustrating the relationship between community psychology, ecopsychology and the United States of the World.

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A great turnout at the Museum of Peace for the celebrations of the 45th anniversary of the beginning of the pontificate of Pope Giovanni Paolo II° on 16 October 1978.
In the rooms and the dedicated chapel moments of prayer and meetings were interspersed with the projection of videos and testimonies on St Giovanni Paolo II°: the Pope who changed the history of the 20th century.

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Crowds of visitors to the Museum of Peace and the United States of the World for the centenary of Italo Calvino's birth.
On this occasion, the most important works and interviews with the great writer, a protagonist in the history of Italian literature, were shown on large video screens.
Visitors were given a copy of Enrica Maria Ferrara's book "Calvino and the Sea of the Other", published by the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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At the Museum of Peace, the 17th anniversary of the ascent to heaven of Blessed Carlo Acutis was celebrated in the dedicated chapel with the relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis.
Carlo Acutis was named "Ambassador to the Memory of the United States of the World" on 30 June 2023.

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