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A special remembering day at the United States of the World headquarters, which, with the Museum of Peace, created in 2016 one of the 22 museum sections dedicated to the Neapolitan musician called "Pino Daniele Alive": an entire floor with a large number of memorabilia that actually belonged to the Neapolitan singer-songwriter.
"I'm very excited," said Secretary-General Michele Capasso, "because I still have in my memory Pino's last visit to the museum when he gave me and his son Alessandro the final instructions for completing a space where emotions, memories and hopes merge into a unique and unrepeatable whole precisely because it is a museum space created with Pino and can no longer be repeated.
Pino Daniele Day 2024 was co-organised with Warner Music Italy, which on this occasion celebrated the 40th anniversary of Sciò Live, the first live album of Pino Daniele's career, with recordings made during concerts between 1982 and 1984.
In the "Vesuvius Room" of the United States of the World - where pages of history have been written for the Earth and for Peace - Radio Capital speakers Luca De Gennaro and Paolo Damasio (aka Mixo) hosted the evening. After a greeting from Pino's historic press office, Riccardo Vitanza, and Alessandro Daniele, it was the turn of Renato Tanchis, head of the Warner Italia catalogue. Immediately afterwards, there was room for each of those present for memories and testimonies enhanced by the speeches of artists such as Lucariello, La Niña, Alex Uhlmann, Maso Maso, Carmine Aymone and many other producers and guests linked to the Neapolitan artist by personal memories and anecdotes. Protagonists of the talk, some live moments in an unplugged version performed by three young singer-songwriters: Neapolitan Alessandra Tumolillo, Greta Bragoni and Rosita Brucoli. On the ground floor of the Museum there will be a space for welcoming guests. On this occasion, Paolo Damasio - an admirer of Gustavo Rol, creator of the United States of the World - and Luca De Gennaro interviewed Secretary General Michele Capasso on the United States of the World.
The event was sponsored by the City of Naples.

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Great crowds at the United States of the World and the MAMT Peace Museum for the 80th anniversary celebrations of the eruption of Vesuvius. On the large video walls, unique videos, testimonies and images appeared that excited the young people in particular.
The museum section dedicated to Raffaele Capasso, Mayor of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio's reconstruction for almost 40 years, was particularly visited.
On this occasion, the updated edition of the volume "Vesuvio l’ultima eruzione" was presented.
President Capasso, emotional, told the young people what happened at 4.30 p.m. on 18 March 1944 when the last eruption of the volcano began, which ended eleven days later.

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The presentation of the book "Le Vie della ProCreazione sono infinite...o quasi" (LFA publisher) by Fabio Perricone was held at the Museum of Peace.
Speakers included:

  • Michele Capasso, Secretary General of the United States of the World;;
  • Titta Fiore, Journalist and President of the Film Commission;
  • Christian Capriello, Writer;
  • Valeria Iacobacci, Writer;
  • Nicola Clemente; Director Napoli Today;
  • Ilaria Mennozzo, Journalist;
  • Carlo Alviggi, Head Endocrinologist of Reproduction and Oncofertility University Federico II.

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Lucia Lo Palo and Luigi Crespi visited the Naples headquarters of the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace MAMT, an emotional heritage of humanity.
Welcomed by President Michele Capasso, they visited the main emotional itineraries, stopping at the Churchill Hall, Don Diana, Raffaele Capasso, the Great Mosque, the Chapels dedicated to John Paul II, Padre Pio, Mother Mazzarello and Don Giovanni Bosco, Pino Daniele and all the rooms dedicated to the United States of the World.
At the end of the visit, a collaboration was hoped for to affirm the inalienable values of the United States of the World. Luigi Crespi dedicated to President Capasso his recent book "THE SPIN DOCTOR. MEMOIRS OF MY SEVEN LIVES PLUS ONE".

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Students and teachers from the Istituto Comprensivo "Di Giacomo - Santa Chiara" visited the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace.
Welcomed by president Prof. Michele Capasso, from 5 to 8 February, several classes visited the main emotional paths.
On this occasion, by resolution of the International Committee, the teachers and students (over 1,000) were named "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World".

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