Complete Lest || of events

Prof. Luigi Nicolais, former Minister of the Italian Republic and President of the CNR, visited the Museum of Peace and, in particular, the section dedicated to the sculptor Mario Molinari.
Welcomed by director Pia Molinari, he expressed his appreciation for the place and, in particular, for the works of the 'sculptor of colour' Mario Molinari, author of the Totem for Peace, symbol of the United States of the World.

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H.E. Dr. Salim M. AlMalik - Director General of ICESCO (Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, with headquarters in Rabat) - visited the United States of the World with the Museum of Peace, a World Heritage Site.
Accompanied by his wife Dr. Yousra Bint Hussain Al-Jazairi and their daughter Lana, he visited the main emotional paths under the guidance of the Secretary-General Prof. Michele Capasso and Dr. Pia Molinari, Director of the Museum.
On this occasion, Dr. AlMalik expressed his deep appreciation for the lugo and the institutional, cultural, scientific and emotional value it represents.
In a subsequent letter of thanks, he emphasised the preciousness of the collections and the uniqueness of the site, which is a credit to the entire world.

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Middle school students and teachers from Forio d'Ischia visited the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace, expressing admiration for the uniqueness of the site.
Welcomed by the Secretary-General Prof. Michele Capasso, they visited the main emotional itineraries and, in particular, "The Campania of Emotions", which includes the 4K emotional video dedicated to their town, Forio, and the entire island entitled "Ischia of Emotions".

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Mr. Georges Xiradakis, President of the "Association of Banking and Financial Executives of Hellenic Shipping", Vice President of the "China Hellenic Chamber (HCCI)", Vice President of the "International Propeller Club of the United States", visited the headquarters of the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace.
Welcomed by Secretary-General Michele Capasso, he expressed his appreciation for the work done, assuring greater Greek involvement in the Earth and Peace action.

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"For a society to go well, to move forward in progress, in the exaltation of the values of the family, of the spirit, of goodness, of friendship, for it to flourish without contrasts between the various consociates, to set out serenely on the path towards a better tomorrow, it is enough for each one to do his or her duty".
With these words by Giovanni Falcone, Secretary-General Michele Capasso and Senator Giuseppe Lumia opened a day of commemoration and commitment that saw the United States of the World headquarters and the Museum of Peace take centre stage with the participation of many young people.
"1992, said Lumia, was the bloodiest year of the Mafia offensive against State institutions. The Mafia killed Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, the two magistrates most active in the fight against Cosa Nostra. In the Capaci massacre, which took place exactly 32 years ago, Falcone was killed along with his wife, Francesca Morvillo, and the three men of his escort, Rocco Di Cillo, Vito Schifani, and Antonio Montinaro; in the Via D'Amelio massacre in Palermo, Borsellino and the five men of his escort, Emanuela Loi, Agostino Catalano, Vincenzo Li Muli, Walter Eddie Cosina, and Claudio Traina, lost their lives".

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