Complete Lest || of events

Sister Maria Pia Giudici, winner of the “2012 Mediterranean Award for Inter-religious dialogue” made a written dedication to the Totem for Peace by Mario Molinari entitled “Art and Spiritualism”.


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Il Totem della Pace di Molinari sempre di più simbolo di Pace: in una suggestiva Santa Messa tra i boschi di Pescasseroli, a conclusione della cerimonia religiosa gioia e danze con il simbolo della Pace.
Padre Roberto Berruti, parroco romano della periferia di Testaccio, alimenta gruppi di preghiera ed indirizza i giovani verso l’amore ed il dialogo.


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President Michele Capasso spent a few days with Sister Maria Pia Giudici, winner of the “2012 Mediterranean Award for Interreligious Dialogue”,  and Sister Monica Angulo, from the “San Biagio” (Subiaco) House of Prayer.

Sister Giudici is a renowned scholar of the Holy Scriptures and promoter of dialogue among religions, laity and atheism, and moreover, a supporter of the actions for peace undertaken by the Fondazione Mediterraneo.
During a series of long discussions, President Capasso and Sister Maria Pia Giudici reflected on the major problems of our times expressing the hope that peace would become the objective of all peoples.

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