Complete Lest || of events

Suor Maria Pia Giudici donated to Michele Capasso Don Giuseppe Diana’s foulard which it is now be hosted in MAMT museum and will be the symbol of World Youth Meeting.

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In the occasion of the eve of World Youth Meeting, Basilica Santa Chiara in Naples hosted “Prayer wake”  and joined to the event Fondazione Mediterraneo with Michele Capasso, Pia Molinari, Jacopo Molinari, Paola Bovier, Fara Paolillo and other members committed to involve in this event youngs from suburbs and those one from Fondazione’ s network. Naples’s Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe thanked Michele Capasso for the commitment in this important event for youngs and Naples.

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Fondazione Mediterraneo’s president Michele Capasso joined to the ceremony for the 70° anniversary of religious blessing of sister Maria Pia Giudici and the 50° of Sister Maria Letizia and sister Filomena. Beside him joined to the ceremony church’s members, youngs and devout followers bond to the order and to sister Maria Pia Giudici. In this occasion has been presented the Sister Maria Pia Giudici’s book “Questa nostra buona terra”, “This our good land” and announced the next “World’s youth meeting” which will be held in Naples on  4 october 2014.

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President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and Secretary General of the United States of the World Michele Capasso spoke at the ceremony for the 70° anniversary of religious blessing of Sister Maria Pia Giudici and the 50° of sister Maria Letizia e Sister Filomena.
At the presence of church’s members, youngs and devotous followers bond to the order and to sister Maria Pia Giudici, Michele Capasso illustrated the next "World Youth Day" scheduled to take place in Naples on 4 October 2014.
On this occasion, he awarded the title of "Standard Bearers" to the young people present and committed to the values of the United States of the World.

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