The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso, presented the 2012 Mediterranean Award for Peace and Inter-religious Dialogue to Sister Maria Pia Giudici “for her commitment and dedication to peace and dialogue among different faiths and secular culture, and who through her warmth and love in her quest for simplicity and spirituality helps others to look inside themselves and rediscover the will to love themselves and one another”.

By video, Sister Maria Pia Giudici expressed her appreciation of the Award. The official ceremony for the presentation of the award and a day of study will be held on 30 September 2012 at the Casa di Preghiera “San Biagio” in Subiaco.

Members of the Fondazione Mediterraneo took part together with representatives from different countries including diplomats and dignitaries from the world of culture, science, politics, religion and the armed forces, the Mayors of the Amalfi Coast (UNESCO cultural heritage) who support and promote the “Totem for Peace” (by Mario Molinari).

Those attending included:

Director General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, Director General f ALECSO, Mohamed-El Aziz Ben Achour, Ambassador Francesco Caruso, World President of ICOMOS Gustavo Araoz, Italian President of ICOMOS Maurizio De Stefano, the Quebec Representative in Rome Daniela Renosto, Corrado Beguinot, Vittorio di Pace, and Claudio Azzolini.

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The invitation

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Press articles: MetropolisIl MattinoIl RomaIl Denaro

Video 1

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Video 3


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