Complete Lest || of events

Sister Maria Pia Giudici and President Michele Capasso held a "Lectio divina" on the theme "Justice and Mercy". Representatives of associations and organizations dedicated to social solidarity.

The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso spoke at the 30th interreligious meeting in Assisi organized by the Community of St. Egidio.
On this occasion he retraced the activities that in 27 years have characterized the Fondazione Mediterraneo on the theme of interreligious dialogue, recalling the Forums held in Naples in 1997, 2003, 2006 and 2009 organized by the Foundation.
President Capasso, in his capacity as Lead Partner of the Italian Network of the "Anna Lindh Foundation", explained the role and importance of the institution based in Alexandria, Egypt, and the activities of some members of the Italian Network on the theme of inter-religious dialogue, such as the ISA Academy and the Salesian University.

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The Italian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation continues to support Syrian families.
Some of them are guests of the "House of prayer of San Biagio", where they have found love, welcome and - above all - peace: they come from Aleppo, today's "Sarajevo", where every day innocent victims die from the lack of justice and peace on the part of the rulers.

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