Complete Lest || of events

The catalogue of the "Peace Museum - MAMT" is published in three languages. More than 200 pages bear witness to the "Museum of Emotions", a World Heritage Site.

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At the MAMT Peace Museum, a beautiful day to celebrate one of the founders of the Foundation on the occasion of the centenary of his birth: the great journalist Igor Man, remembered with emotion by President Michele Capasso.
Videos, images, writings and interviews accompanied visitors on a unique journey through the work of a great correspondent who knew how to tell and explain the Arab - Islamic world in particular.

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On the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of his death, the MAMT - Museum of Peace remembers Raffaele Capasso, Mayor of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio for 35 years and an example of a politician dedicated to the "Common Good."
Appreciation for the work done by Mayor Capasso by the many visitors, especially the young people who find an example precisely today on the eve of sloppy elections steeped in mediocrity.
A special edition of the book "IL VIAGGIO DEL SIGNOR NIENTE" dedicated to Raffaele Capasso was circulated for this occasion.

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Marcello Piazza was a brotherly, dear friend. We remembered him today in the premises of the Peace Museum - MAMT one month after his death on 6 September.
Our long acquaintance on the most disparate topics - from art to politics, from health to current affairs - began in the early 1990s when fate would have it that his studio and my home in Naples were in the same building, one above the other.
There are so many memories, such as that of May 2004 when we awarded him with our Foundation the "Mediterranean Award for Science"; the many dinners with his dear wife; his enormous sorrow at being unable to help my wife Rita, who was very dear to him; and the stories...
He loved telling and retelling, Marcello.
He smiled when I reminded him of the conversation between my father Raffaele and Carlo D'Amato, the mayor of Naples at the time. It was 1985 and before being received by Mayor D'Amato, Marcello stopped to talk to those present and to journalists. The cases of Hepatitis B that year had grown out of all proportion, with a trial of mussels and anchovies which, it had been discovered, contained a deadly worm: anisakis. The newspapers were full of it and the scaremongers were not fazed. "It's all nonsense, - Marcello began, and his simple, down-to-earth talk struck a chord with everyone - the reasons for the proliferation of the disease are other. The dirt, the filth? But did you know that nature created skin and hair grease to protect us?  It is scientifically proven that the use of certain soaps alters the pH of the skin, which is therefore more defenceless against pathogenic attacks. In short, if you wash yourself and throw yourself into a polluted sea, you are more likely to get skin fungus...".

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