All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso suggested that the Mayor of Sestri Levante Andrea Lavarello and the President of the "Mediaterraneo" Foundation Angelo Barreca, built the Totem for Peace in Sestri Levante.

The mayor showed his availability as an acknowledgement for the Fondazione Mediterraneo that in 1999 established a theme- based centre in Sestri Levante, to implement the role of this town as a reference for training and education for the whole childhood in the Mediterranean area.

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The Nobel prize Shirine Ebadi made a Plea for Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani,that was welcomed and spread by all members and all branches of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

Sakineh, a 43-year-old Iranian woman, mother of two children, was convicted of adultery and complicity in the murder of her husband and sentenced to death by stoning.

In the plea, intellectuals such as the sociologist Edgar Morin, the historians Elisabeth Roudinesco and Max Gallo, the writer Marek Halter, the philosophers Daniel Schiffer and Michel Serres, urged to "stop these methods and this un fair and barbaric punishment” asking for " the respect for dignity and freedom for all the Iranian women who are oppressed or threatened".

A race against time for an impossibile mission: the creation of a traffic roundabout with the Totem for Peace within the 25th of September 2010, on the occasion of the Europarc 2010 in Pescasseroli with 30 countries delegates and internationally renowned people.

The president Michele Capasso did not stop when in difficulty and in few days drafted an operation plan, involved the economic stakeholders and started the works: a real “miracle for peace”.

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At the end of the 6th Edition of “Angels and Devils” with the unveiling of the Totem of Peace, the Fondazione Mediterraneo – considering the Universal Forum of Cultures in 2013 – announced the opening of a branch of the "Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture" in Rutino.

They aim at building a Campus for Peace hosting young people coming from difficult areas of the world in the historic residences and offering them the small ancient village and Cilento qualities, its ancient tastes and knowledge, its history and its memory.

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