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At a solemn service which took place in the Barons’ Anti-Chamber at the Maschio Angiono Castle, the Mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris granted honorary citizenship to the City of Naples the President of the State of Palestine Mahmūd Abbās (Abū Māzen).
Prior to this, the President met with the Palestinian community in Naples.


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Dear Friends of the Italian Network,
It is with great pleasure that I invite you all to the press conference and show called: "The Shoe Must Go On" on 25 and 26 May, which is one of the two final outcomes of "Acting Diversity", an intercultural theatre project from political refugees and young people co-financed by the Anna Lindh Foundation.
After meetings in Marseille and in preparation for the Venetian days, which we would like to inform you about in more detail through this project, it seems a wonderful idea to have your direct participation in this journey we have undertake that makes an important connection between theatre and intercultural dialogue focusing on the asset of diversity.
The project is inserted into our Schools Festival, which is host to more than 2700 children from all over Italy every year.
If you would like to come and/or help us spread the good news…we would be very grateful.
Warmest regards, while looking forward to Venice

Micaela Casalboni

The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the United States of the World hosted personalities from the world of culture, arts, science, politics and the armed forces on the occasion of the 2013 America’s Cup World Series.

A unique spectacle from a place between whose walls pages of history have been written over the last twenty years... The Totem for Peace, Mario Molinari's "Red Sail", symbol of the United States of the World, became for one day also the symbol of the America's Cup in Naples.
On this occasion, all sports people participating in the Americas Cup were awarded with the titles of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World".

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Vittorio di Pace, 106, architect promoter of the "Interethnic City", becomes a member of the Board of Directors of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and donates objects and furnishings for the Churchill Room under construction at the headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
"I am proud to be part of this prestigious institution led by Michele Capasso" declared Di Pace "and even more to make a gift of objects and furnishings from the same room of the former Grand Hotel de Londres, where Winston Churchill stayed during the months of August and October of 1944".
And he continues: "At the time I was an established Neapolitan architect who, in the years to come, would also have designed the refurbishment of Piazza Municipio. I was contacted by the management of the “Grand Hotel de Londres” to better arrange the suite for Winston Churchill; it was located on the fourth floor and had balconies overlooking Piazza Municipio: exactly the sixth and seventh from the right when looking at the main facade. Given Churchill's size, we had to change the bed and, due to the heat, place one of the first rotating fans in the room.
When the Grand Hotel de Londres was decommissioned, I purchased the furnishings of that room which were very significant to me: I am happy and honored to donate them today to the Mediterranean Foundation for the Peace Museum - MAMT, which is currently being completed. Even more happy to contribute, in the past 105 years, to the faithful reconstruction of those environments in which pages of history have been written"

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