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President Michele Capasso gave a speech on the theme of “Young people and the Arab Spring for peace” at the Rotary Club meeting of the’ “Interclub Ercolano Centenario”, opened to the “Torre del Greco Comuni Vesuviani” Club.
At the event, President Capasso illustrated the actions undertaken by the Fondazione to promote dialogue and peace, which places emphasis on the centrality of young people to its initiatives, as they are the “makers of our future”.

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A new edition of the book, La Grande Méditerranée by Michele Capasso has been printed following the first edition in 2007. The book contains the Lectio Magistralis delivered by Capasso, which foresaw events that have happened from 2007 to today (page 45 and others).
The books contains preface written by: Elisabetta Caponnetto, André Azoulay, Roberto Aliboni, Bichara Khader, Tuomo Melasuo, Francesco Maria Amoruso and a postscript by Maria-Angels Roque.

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