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A press conference was held in Naples at the Agnano Springs for the presentation of the “Good Health Award” which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is sponsoring. President Michele Capasso spoke together with Board Member Pia Molinari.

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The actor-singer Massimo Ranieri, called on Neapolitans to launch the re birth of their city at a performance at the Teatro Augusteo, and to break free from the pessimism that invades our everyday life, despite the tragic events of the 4 March in which the City of Science was destroyed as the historic building on the Riviera di Chiaia burnt down.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo, through its president Michele Capasso, board member Pia Molinari and other members , participated in a meeting organized by the Municipality of Naples (the Work Committee) on the question of “Naples in the Mediterranean for the Mediterranean”. The aim of the convention was to bring together the various players active in Naples on euro-Mediterranean issues to promote the city as a concrete actor for the region.
The objectives area those of “building” relations especially among cities and to avoid duplication.
In his speech, President Capasso summarized the 20 year history of the Fondazione’s work referring to the important role it has had for the city of Naples and hoping that this initiative would lead to acknowledgment of the work carried out based on the criteria of “competence” and “inclusion”.
In this regard, President Capasso spoke of the existence of the “Euromedcity” network that has been bringing together people from Naples and the surrounding area for more than 15 years. He also referred to the Protocol signed by the Municipality of Naples on 13 February 2012 by which the Fondazione was delegated the responsibility for relation with Mediterranean countries on a non-exclusive basis.
The Moroccan Ambassador, Hassan Abouyoub , a long-standing supporter of the Fondazione and the “Casa del Maghreb Arabo” – inaugurated on 26 July 2012 in the presence of Mayor Magistris – called for a new language to be developed and the question of “Euro-Mediterranean” to be dealt with not only as a “Mediterranean” question. He used the expression coined by Pia Molinari that “we are all in the same boat together, and difficult issues can only be solved by common actions”.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo played host to the forum of associations of the Regions of Campania, Basilicata and Sardinia committed to the programme known as “The distance support network as a contributory factor of social development” promoted Forumsad.
President Michele Capasso in his welcoming greeting emphasized the Fondazione’s twenty year history of commitment to social issues through wide-ranging activities especially those connected with legality, young people and the rights of children and women.

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