All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Pietro Grasso, as Antimafia National Direction Head, has received- during the 18° Antimafia National Summit held in occasion of the tenth anniversary of the death of the judge Caponetto – “MEDITERRANEAN AWARD RAFFAELE CAPASSO FOR LEGALITY” (medal of honour) 2012”.

On that occasion, the President of the Fondazione Caponnetto Salvatore Calleri together with the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, and more than 500 delegates and students participating in the venue, announced the establishment of MOMOC (The Mediterranean Observatory on Mafia and Organized Crime).

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The 18th National Anti Mafia Summit took place in Gaeta on the subject of “United in our diversity against the Mafia”.
After hearing the speech by Salvatore Càlleri and introduction by Pietro Grasso , other speakers took the floor, including Lorenzo Diana, Antonio Di Lauro, Fabio Ferrari, Claudio Loiodice, Claudio Gherardini, Geremia Mancini and Raffaele Vallefuoco.
On that occasion, the President of the Fondazione Caponnetto Salvatore Calleri and President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, together with more than 500 delegates and students attending the event, announced the establishment of MOMOC: the Mediterranean Observatory on Mafia and Organized Crime.


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On Remembrance Day, President Capasso and other members of the Fondazione Mediterraneo referred to the initiatives of the Fondazione over the past twenty years aimed at keeping alive the memories of the past especially for future generations about one of the greatest tragedies that has beset humankind.

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While receiving a copy of the book “Mare Nostro Mare” by Michele Capasso, the honorary President of the Fondazione Caponnetto, Elisabetta Caponnetto – widow of the Judge and founder of the “pool” – stated that she recognized the values of Honesty and Solidarity, which her husband had in common with President Capasso, who both worked for the “Common Good”.
On that occasion, she gave President Capasso a copy of the test “To Elli”, written in1945.

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