All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

During a ceremony that took place at the Città della Scienza, the Fondazione Mediterraneo – together with other civic institutions such as the Prefecture, the Fire Brigade, the Civil Protection, the Carabinieri Force, the Police Force, the Fiscal Police, etc. - were all awarded the NATIONAL AWARD FOR GOOD HEALTH, for their unswerving commitment to social solidarity in Italy and throughout the Mediterranean. The Award was handed over to President Michele Capasso by Prof. Annamaria Colao, consort of the Governor of the Campania Region Stefano Caldoro. 
Prof. Caterina Arcidiacono, Vice President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo also attended the ceremony.

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The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, sent his well wishes to Pope Francis I at the start of his Pontificate.

“The esteem we feel towards his Holiness can be translated as a sentiment of “maternity””: it is the Highest Expression of Human Sentiment, which is communicated through esteem, friendship and brotherhood”, as President Capasso wrote in his letter to the Pope.

He continued, “His words of kindness and tenderness and his emotion, as he incited young people to turn to Christ, are elements of pride and should fill people the with knowledge of all his current and future teachings, which will flourish and bear fruit!.

And this, henceforth, “for when I’m weak, I’m strong”, to quote Saint Paul. The deeds you have done, Your Holiness, in recent years, and those you will continue to do, will bear fruit: and nothing you have done or will do will be lost on us. “His seed” is simply waiting for the soil to be prepared for it. Each in its own time! To prevent precious seeds falling on poor soil, which do not bear fruit or fall by the way side, or mature out of season…

Holiness, with your help we can transform "the Love of Power”, which has poisoned and continues to poison every element of our society, including religion, into “the Power of Love”. This means dedication in silence with humility, simplicity, rigour and acting competently for the poor, disinherited and socially excluded from society”.

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In a message sent on the occasion of the election of the Senator Pietro Grasso to the Italian Senate, President Capasso expressed his own satisfaction and sent his well wishes for the work ahead.
President Grasso expressed his gratitude recalling the Mediterranean Award recently given to him by the Fondazione and guaranteed his total commitment for justice and solidarity.
The newly-elected President of the Italian Senate Pietro Grasso was recently awarded the sculptor Molinari’s “Tricolour Totem for Peace” by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and Fondazione Caponnetto. The Totem is a symbol of legality for the nascent OMCOM (The Mediterranean Observatory on Mafias and Organized Crime), which the two foundations will constitute this forthcoming May.

In a phase of obvious and dramatic decline that is not only limited to the economic sphere but extends deeply into social and cultural areas, Italy has for too long been faced with the manifest inability of politics and politicians to produce and implement complex solutions that are sensible, shared and efficient. This initial cycle of meetings attempts to set up a framework for analysis of some of the urgent problems we are faced with and provide constructive answers to them.

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