All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Morocco is the protagonist of pace. At MAMT museum objects, the Prayer Room and finds testify to this country's commitment to peace, especially in this difficult moment of our history.

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President Capasso partecipated a closed-door meeting in Istanbul with 30 Euro-Arab intellectuals to analyse and discuss the possible role of Turkey in Europe.
On 3 September 2005, during his visit to the Fondazione Mediterraneo in Naples, President Erdogan, accompanied by some ministers, discussed with the Fondazione Mediterraneo on what basis Turkey could then join the European Union.
Few of those listed on that day have been implemented by the Turkish Government in these 10 years with serious repercussions for everyone.
Capasso recalled that meeting in Istanbul and received the agreement of the interlocutors from various countries.
“I would have preferred to remain silent and witness Turkey's renewal in the field of democracy and human rights,"said Capasso at the close of the meeting.

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During a meeting between President Michele Capasso and the Algerian Minister of University and Research Tahar Hadjar, the importance of food and biodiversity in the peace process was outlined.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo is in the front line and the Peace Museum will have an important didactic and informative role.

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President Michele Capasso and Jacopo Molinari visited the headquarters of the Foundation "Abdulaziz Saud Al Babtain" with annexed Library of Arab Poetry welcomed by the founder Abdulaziz Al Babtain.
On this occasion it was agreed to create a section dedicated to Arabic poetry at the Peace Library created in 1997 by the Mediterranean Foundation based in Naples.

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