All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

The Peace Museum - MAMT will host videos and works of modern art by artists from Azerbaijan. During a meeting with the director of the Baku Museum of Modern Art (Moma) Khayyam Abdinov, the next joint initiatives were agreed upon.

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The president Michele Capasso participate in the plenary section - for over 25 years dedicated to promoting dialogue and peace – and reaffirmed the inescapability of dialogue to combat terrorism:
"The war on terror produces only the terror of war".
"Only politics with capital" P "can solve this and other emergencies of our era.
Appreciation was expressed among those present, including José Luis Zapatero and Miguel Angels Moratinos.

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Great public success at the event of the 7th Global Forum UNAOC.
"Va Pensiero" of Verdi has opened the concert that - between choir, orchestra and dancers - has seen more than 300 artists on stage.
President Michele Capasso congratulated Minister Abulfas Garayev and Ambassador Nassir Abdulaziz al-Nasser, the ONU High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations.

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