All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Miguel Angels Moratinos, former Spanish Foreign Minister and UN High Commissioner for the Middle East, spoke at the presentation of the Museum of Peace - MAMT welcomed by President Capasso,"a long-time friend and companion of many battles for peace in the Mediterranean".

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The RIDE- Italian Network for the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue- has presented at Global Forum UNAOC four projects:

  • The Museum of Peace- MAMT, presented by Michele Capasso;
  • The Mosaico di Otranto, presented by Michele Fasano;
  • The Bridge, contemporary art, presented by Fabio Store and Marta Taverna;
  • Uniti per Unire of Focal Point Italy UNAOC Foad Aodi presented by the ambassador Enrico Granara.

The undersecretary at MIBACT sen. Dorina Bianchi introduced the works, present the ambassador of Italy at Baku Giampaolo Cutillo.

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During a cordial meeting, President Capasso illustrated the guidelines of Fondazione Mediterraneo for countering terrorism and promoting what unites us: art, crafts, poetry, culture, the immense cultural and environmental heritage. Ambassador Al-Nasser expressed his agreement to spread the action of Fondazione worldwide through the program "The World of Emotions" starting from the experience "Campania of Emotions".

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