All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

The President Michele Capasso spoke to Gilles Kepel Conference held at the University of Naples Federico II.
Gilles Kepel (1955), political scientist, member of the Fondazione Mediterraneo has orientalist and academician French specialist on Islam and the Arab world. Graduated in Arabic, philosophy, doctorate in sociology and political science, is director of the chair "Moyen-Orient Méditerranée" at the Institute for Political Studies in Paris, also scientific director of the first cycle on the Middle East, the Mediterranean Institute of Political Studies Mentone.
He has taught at New York University and Columbia University.

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It met in Rome, at the headquarters of Uninettuno, the Executive Committee of "RIDE - ITALIAN NETWORK FOR THE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN DIALOGUE - Onlus".
On this occasion the examined were the points on the agenda and proposed operational activities for the next EC meeting.
In particular, the honorary president and legal representative Michele Capasso, again - like repeats at every meeting since October 2014 - called on the Executive Committee members to take action to bring to RIDE a minimum of economic resources. He also invited the Min.Pl. Granara - taking note of the MAE will to allocate resources to RIDE but only "through" association Prospects Mediterranee chaired by Enrico Molinaro - to avoid this procedure because the RIDE without resources (and therefore without an actual budget) is effectively immobilized and prevented the participation of any notice or call.

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Objects, artifacts, crafts masterpieces - came specially from Morocco - embellish the various rooms of the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
Included in the sets displays high-definition 4K large format Samsung illustrating, through videos and particular images, the history of the North African country and the realization of the exhibits.

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