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The President of the Special Commission for Anti-Camorra and confiscated property of the Campania Region, Carmine Mocerino, visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT, expressing his appreciation for this initiative which honors the Campania Region.
Particular recognition for the emotional path "The Campania of emotion".

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On Thursday 12 October, the inaugural ceremony of the 2017-2018 academic year of the Salesian Pontifical University (Member of the Italian FAL Network) was held in the presence of numerous religious, civil and military authorities. The day was marked by the theme "Listening and walking". A true listening, always sets in motion and pushes us to take or resume our journey - from the homily of the Grand Chancellor of UPS, Don ÁngelFernándezArtime, the Rector Major of the Salesians, who presided over the Eucharistic celebration.
The academic part of the day was introduced by the Report of the Magnificent Rector, Don Mauro Mantovani, who, after thanking those present, explained the situation of UPS in its evaluation framework of last academic year and outlining some lines of perspective for the near future.
One of the most intense moments of the day was the Prolusion of the proff. Luigi Bruni and Alessandra Smerilli entitled "Listening and walking. Educating ourselves and educating ourselves to new lifestyles ", some passages - ... The economic models that have guided us are no longer viable, we have been bad custodians of the common house and unsustainable behaviours have produced pollution, degradation, poverty and social inequalities... The common good needs a more humble, sober, sustainable, more beautiful, more sympathetic and more communal economy. She needs' sister economics -.
The prolusion was followed by a musical space presented by four students from the Faculty of Educational Sciences, the warm applause showed a particular appreciation by all those present.
After the award ceremony of the most deserving students, the Grand Chancellor of UPS, Don ÁngelFernándezArtime, the Rector Major of the Salesians, officially opened the Academic Year 2017-2018.

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