All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

In the prestigious headquarters of Palazzo Donn' Anna of the "Ezio De Felice Cultural Foundation", a seminar dedicated to the Museums of Naples was held on the occasion of the "European Heritage Days".
On this occasion the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Prof. Michele Capasso presented the Museum of Peace - MAMT and the emotional video on "Naples".
Many members of the Italian FAL Network were present, including Prof. Massimo Pica Ciamarra and Prof. Luciana De Rosa.

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Organized by "Futuridea" - member of the Italian FAL Network - the workshop dedicated to migration and internal areas was held.
Among the speeches were by Prof. Carmine Nardone, Prof. Marco Rossi Doria, Mr. Gianni Pittella and Mr. Umberto del Basso De Caro (secretary for infrastructure and transport). Ms Fulvio Bonavitacola, Vice-President of the Campania Region.
The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Prof. Michele Capasso spoke.

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The ceremony for the award of the "MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR WOMEN 2017" was awarded in Naples to Ms. Fouzia Assouli, President of the "Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation" and women's rights activist.
The award was given by President Michele Capasso, Pia Molinari, Esther Fouchier and the head of the national networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation.
Fouzia Assouli thanked the Fondazione Mediterraneo for this prestigious acknowledgment.

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Women from 42 European and Mediterranean countries participating in the international conference "KIMIYYA" celebrated Sister Maria Pia Giudici, one of the speakers at the meeting with a paper on women and society and one of the founders of the United States of the World.
All participating women from 43 countries were awarded the title of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World".

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As unanimously established by the Italian Steering Committee- held in Naples on July 11, 2017 with the participation of both members of the RIDE and of the Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation - a session of the General Assembly of the Italian FAL Network was embedded in the International Conference “Kimiyya”; it was dedicated to the subject “Italy and Women”. This was an opportunity to introduce to leaders of the national networks participating to the event and representatives of 42 countries the role of women in Italy in promoting dialogue and peace.
Several speeches were introduced by the delegate of the Secretariat of Alexandria Mr. Paul Walton, who underlined the role and the importance of Fondazione Mediterraneo for the FAL since its foundation.
Twenty speakers took the floor: the Vice-President of the CONI, Alessandra Sensini, Giohà Giordano, Sister Maria Pia Giudici, the Deputee Anna Maria Carloni, the manager Alessandra Rubino, Paola Parri of CO.PE.A.M. and many other who had the pleasure to join the sessions.
The professors Massimo Pica Cimarra, Carmine Nardone and Don Mario Maritano presented some of the most significant projects of the Italian Network (The Cities of Dialogue, Biodiversity and FALAB, Youth and Peace Education) by gathering the appreciation and collaboration of many of the Leadership present.

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