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Took place in Bruxelles the 19th section of Crans Montana Forum dedicated to the global security Fondazione Mediterraneo sipports and participates to the event.

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The “Federazione Anna Lindh Italia Onlus” with rete “ Euromedcity” has participated to the meeting of “ C40” network which gather the Mayors of main global metropolis. Joined to the meeting of Paris – which was held at Hotel de Ville, historic seat of the Parisian common on the shores of the Seine- also the mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala.
Twelve majors world cities, including Milan, want to become territories without fossil fuels within 2030. In occasion of the Mayors summit of the network C40- together4Climate- in Paris, the mayor of the French capital, Anne Hidalgo ( president of the network) with the others of Milan, London, Barcelona, Quito, Vancouver, Mexico City, Copenhagen, Seattle, Cape Town, Los Angeles and Auckland signed a path which are committed to transforming a “ important part” of their cities, in territories progressively greener and healthier with an important part with zero emissions.
United against pollution, then, the mayors of forty of the world’s great metropolises have confronted concretely on how to improve air quality and the ambient. During this two days of work, started yesterday, the mayors met the managers of several multinational companies to find solution against climate change. After the leaving of USA by Donald Trump from climate agreement of Paris (Cop21), The objective of the first citizens of the world’s great metropolises it’s to demonstrate to go ahead anyway for a better planet.

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Proposed in partnership with Tunisia and with 40 Euro-Mediterranean countries, the project "The Cities of Dialogue" - prepared for the "Fondazione Mediterraneo" and the "Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation" by proff. Massimo Pica Ciamarra and Michele Capasso - is presented at the United Nations and the Mediterranean workshops, with partners from Lebanon, Morocco, France, Spain and Malta.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo together with other members of the Italian Network of the FAL (Network of Universities MUNA, Community of Mediterranean Universities, UNIMED and others) participated in the "Mediterranean workshops".
In particular, in the "Poster" session, the proff. Michele Capasso and Gilberto Sammartino presented the project "The Cities of Dialogue": present the partners of Tunisia, Lebanon, Morocco and Malta.

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On Monday, October 23rd, at Palazzo dei Normanni, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Angelino Alfano, participated in the presentation of "Italy, Culture, Mediterranean", a cultural programme that MAECI, through its network abroad, will carry out in 2018 in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) area.
Ideally linked with the meetings "MED Dialogues" in Rome,"Italy, Culture, Mediterranean" is a program of integrated promotion based on dialogue, sharing, cultural diversity as a value, which aims to combine tradition, innovation and creativity.
The priority objective of our country is to strengthen the close relations that already exist between Italy and the Southern Mediterranean countries,"said Foreign Minister Alfano.
Cultural cooperation is the main driving force for promoting dialogue and building a shared project of growth and development "continued the head of Italian diplomacy. Sicily can be the laboratory where thanks to tolerance and coexistence between different cultures - Alfano concluded - we can discuss a new future for the two shores of the Mediterranean ".
The meeting was held on the eve of the Mediterranean Conference of the OSCE under Italian Presidency and saw, at the beginning, the speeches by the Mayor of Palermo, Leoluca Orlando, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Angelino Alfano and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Tunisian Republic, Khemaies Jhinaoui.
Representatives of the partner countries, local institutions, the Italian media and intellectuals and artists, as well as the various testimonials active on the themes of cooperation and dialogue in the Mediterranean, were also present.
Vincenzo De Luca, General Director for the Promotion of the MAECI Country System, moderated the event.

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