All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

During the visit of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella in Naples – on the accasion of 230° Anniversary of “ Nunziatella Military School” – the members of Rete Italiana of FAL issued on daily “ La Republica” an OPEN LETTER so that the democracy, the respect and transparency are ensured by the MAECI in the management of the Rete Italiana.
On this occasion Fondazione Mediterraneo, leader elected by the Rete, recalled the activities conducted by the members and the bond with Nunziatella Military School which elected the Foundation “ first Friend of Nunziatella”

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The general Superiora of the institute of Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice (FMA), Mother Yvonne Reungoat, accompanied by the Inspector Suor Maria Rosaria Tagliaferri and proponents of Southern Province of FMA ( coming from southern Italy, Albania and Malta) met the youth of FMA’s schools entertaining with them and offering in gift “ The anchor” for a future of peace and cooperation and the title of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World".

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The general Superiora of the institute of Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice (FMA), Mother Yvonne Reungoat, accompanied by the Inspector Suor Maria Rosaria Tagliaferri and proponents of Southern Province of FMA ( coming from southern Italy, Albania and Malta) visited the Museum of Peace – MAMT, welcomed by the president Michele Capasso together with the manager Maria Pia Balducci Molinari.
Mother Yvonne expressed astonishment and appreciation for a “ unique location which did not imagine the dimentions and the world’s level meaning”
The tour to dedicate sections “ Molinari, sculptor of colors”, “ Voices of Migrant”, “ Mother Teresa di Calcutta”, “ Don Diana”, “Raffaele Capasso” have been especially touching and also the section dedicated to the arabs artists women “ Tearing up the veils”.
A lot of a emotions inside the Mosque, inside the Synagogue and in the rooms dedicated to San Giovanni Paolo ll and San Pio from Petralcina.

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In the presence of general Superiora of the institute of Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice (FMA), Mother Yvonne Reungoat, accompanied by the Inspector Suor Maria Rosaria Tagliaferri and proponents of Southern Province of FMA ( coming from southern Italy, Albania and Malta) was held the solemn ceremony in which the Relic of Santa Maria Domenica Mazzarello, founder of FMA, has been deposited inside the Chapel of Don Bosco of the Musuem of Peace – MAMT. .
Mother Yvonne dedicated words of appreciation about Fondazione Mediterraneo and for its President Capasso for the uncommon dedication – with some mystic features- in favor of interreligious dialogue and peace.
Inside the Chapel dedicated to Don Bosco it’s now present a painting of Madre Mazzarello, Her relic and others objects.
A moment of deep spirituality with the nuns of FMA that, between songs and prayers, accompanied the ceremony.

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