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The nuns of the Istitute “ Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice” ( Salesians of Don Bosco) have gifted to the Museo della Pace of a Albanian tablecloth and a huge shell.

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Moments of great emotion at Museo della PaceMAMT with the volunteers of Civil Service assigned to the institute of “Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice”.
They visited the Museum and viewed the emotional video dedicated especially to the young people.

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The assessor of the culture department of the municipality of Naples dott. Gaetano Daniele, gave to the prof. Mario Maitano ( Pontifical Salesian Universities) the Totem of peace sculpted by Mario Molinari, wich rapresents the “ MEDITERRANIAN PRIZE FOR THE INTERFAITH DIALOGUE 2017”.
The poets of 5 continents subscribed to the Association “ Poeti per la pace” honoured Don Mario Maritano.

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The assessor of the culture department of municipality of Naples, dott. Gaetano Daniele, gave to Renato Ongania, general manager of Italian representative office of “Friends of L. Ronn Hubbard” International Foundation, located in Los Angeles, the “ Mediterranian Award for Poetry” for the contribution offert to the arts and, especially, to the Poetry for the promotion of a culture of peace.
The attendees signed the “ Declaration of Peace” (lyric by Hubbard).

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At the Museo della Pace was held a special international poetical reading with lyrics for peace from 5 continents, recited by Edoardo Elisei, artistic manager of “Poeti per la Pace”.
Between the others, prof. don Mario Maritano, from Tehology Department of Pontifical Salesian University in Rome, and museum manager dott. Maria Pia Balducci Molinari attended the event.
The intervention of the president Michele Capasso, president of Fondazione Mediterraneo, was very moved , he underlined the importance of “staying together “ to “build” and, especially, to “keep” the peace, explaining the committment of the foundation and the numerous cultural activities carried out in the last 30 years.
The assessore of Culture and Tourism of the municipality of Neaples talked about “anguish for peace” and the importance of poetry as a medium of social rebirth. After reminding the warning of Pope Francis about the current World War Three, dott. Daniele lay claimed the role of the city of Neaples in his potery, mentioning the poetry “La Ginestra” by Leopardi, written on the slope of Vesuvius.
Vincenzo De Lucia, vice President of “Poets for Peace”, has declared: “ Our times are still characterised by bloody conflicts, threats of war and millions of dollars spent on weapons. But this innate human vocation to work hard on social activities and mercy, make us realize that the desire of peace can not be invoked as a right. It is, maybe, first of all, a social commitment, a duty”.
The consuls of Czech Republic, Iceland and Norway joined to the message, in addition to mayor Lumbini (Nepal), home town of Buddha.

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