Regularity in execution of elections in Tunisia

Fondazione Mediterraneo’s members have been “Observers” in free elections held in Tunisia and confirmed regularity in vote operations.


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La Fondazione Mediterraneo sostiene la nascita della nuova Tunisia (EN)

Proprio nel giorno in cui, con lo svolgimento di elezioni libere, la Tunisia scrive la pagina di una nuova storia, il presidente Michele Capasso ha illustrato al rappresentante tunisino Zine Ilyes le iniziative concrete intraprese dalla Fondazione per aiutare il processo di democratizzazione in Tunisia.
Tra le azioni in programma la realizzazione di seminari sulla democrazia e sulla coesistenza tra Islàm moderato e modernità, anche alla luce della possibile vittoria del partito islamico moderato in Tunisia.


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X Meeting of ALF National Networks Leaders

It took place, between 20 to 23 october 2011, the X ALF National Networks Leaders Meeting. From Fondazione Mediterraneo, member of Italian Network, joined the President Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari, board member and person in charge for the area “Youngs” and “Creativity”. In this occasion has been discussed:

- Aims and Strategies 2012-2015
- Budget 2012
- Network’s Development

Discussion topic has been also the “Arab Spring” and the role which National Networks have to cover.

The meeting has been opened by Union For Mediterranean General Secretary Amrani which stressed Alf and his networks importance.
The President Michele Capasso and  Pia Molinari proposed to realise a joint action – shared by Algerian, Moroccan, Tunisian, French Networks and Lybian Exponent, in order to give voice to youngs from Mediterranean South Shore.

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Euromed Award Jury’s Presidency for Intercultural Dialogue

Euromed Award Jury met for Intercultural Dialogue to decide the 2012 theme. On proposal of Pia Molinari and  Michele Capasso has been decided to chose "Youngs for change, social justice and common development”. Beside, has been chosen the Jury’s Presidence for 2012:  Fondazione Mediterraneo, Anna Lindh Foundation, Irland, Finland, Latvia, Germany, Turkey, Algeria and Jordan.

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Visit in the “Wieliczka Salt Mine”

A salt mine with more than  300 km of galleries and so many magical sculptures: this is the place which Ministery of Poland chose in order to host the participants at X Meeting of ALF Networks.


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Concert for Alf exponents

It took place a concert in honour of the participants to the X Meeting of National Networks of Anna Lindh Foundation.


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Riunione della Presidenza della Giuria dell'Euromed Award per il Dialogo tra le Culture (EN)

Si è riunita a Cracovia la Giuria dell'Euromed Award per il Dialogo tra le Culture per decidere il tema dell'anno 2012 che è “Acting for social inclusion of migrants and minorities - Agir pour l'inclusion sociale des migrants et des minorités”.
È stata inoltre definita la composizione della Presidenza della Giuria per il 2012: Fondazione Mediterraneo, Anna Lindh Foundation, Polonia, Francia, Romania, Danimarca, Libano, Algeria e Palestina.


Il documento di lavoro EN | FR

Per saperne di più

Med News

Fondazione Mediterraneo supports the birth of new Libia

In the day in which Gheddafi passed away and Libia wrote the pages of a new history, the president Michele Capasso illustrated to the Libyan exponent Ibrahim Al-Klami the concrete initiatives started by the Foundation in order to facilitate the democratization in Libya and coexistence between moderate Islam and modernity. Among this actions it is in program the increase of languages study in schools, helps for migrants and health environment  formation.

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Inaugurated in Chivasso the Mario Molinari’s Monumental Artwork

Friday 14 october 2011, at 16, with a ceremony at Chivasso City Civic Theatre, has been inaugurated the monumental artwork of  Mario Molinari titled by "Penetration in a Chivasso". 
In this occasion will be commemorated the great international sculptor, author, among others, of the TOTEM FOR PEACE which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is installing all over the world. The plaque and the inauguration of monumental work will take place at 17 at Rotonda della Statale in Turin.









Mediterranean “Culture” Award to Bichara Khader

The "Mediterranean Culture Award 2011" and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World" was attributed to Prof. Bichara Khader (Palestine) for his action in favour of dialogue and peace.
The awarding ceremony was held in Barcelona on October 7th 2011 at Pedralbes Palace – seat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM) – in the presence of UpM Secretary General  Youssef Amrani.
The award was given by Pia Molinari – member of the Fondazione Mediterraneo – and by the Moroccan ambassador to Italy Hassan Abouyoub.

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