MAMT||Museo Mediterraneo dell' Arte, della Musica e delle Tradizioni (EN)

The MAMT- Mediterranean Museum of Art, Music and Traditions is an institution created by the Fondazione Mediterraneo with the aim “to experience” in an interactive way, the positive emotions of Our Sea through Arts, Music and Traditions. The MAMT is one of the most important initiatives of Fondazione Mediterraneo: an active space created in order to let communicate Arts, Music and Traditions of the Mediterranean contemporary society. The awareness of a past full of ancient traditions is the base for the construction of a rational and connected humanity: the vastness of the Mediterranean area collects together the responsibility, the hard work and intelligence with the ability to share spaces and cultures. Today, more than ever, the sense of future is given by the awareness of the sorrow, of the conflicts and at the same time by the ability to share joys and bond.
Art and Music are since ever the tool of communication and sharing of the humanity that, in a particular “Mediterranean” path, allows us to overtake the violence of the human being that showed itself in his greater brutality in countries as Bosnia, Palestine, Syria and other places: as testify of this there are Bosnia, in order not to forget and Suffering and Hope in the world, exhibitions of the museum.

At the same time there are symbols inviting to meeting and hope appear in lands of desolation and Hush: The Ferrigno Nativity Scene, the exhibition a Sea, three Faiths, the Peace and the Last Neapolitan Supper are part of the Museum.
Near the Totem of Peace and other works by Mario Molinari, sculptor of the color, accompanies the lonely journey of freedom, the Dreamlike World of John Crown and the desire of participation and recognition of the role of women in the Mediterranean in the exhibition “Breaking the Veils, women artists of Islamic World”.
Fado, Flamenco, Tango and Sirtaki, the Song of Naples, the Great Lyric Operas, Arabic Music and the Classics of all the times catch the attention of the audience with the acoustic perfection of the “Music hall” of the Museum.
The section dedicated to Pino Daniele has a particular meaning.
The warm of the Mediterranean human nature and the awareness of the necessity to keep track, the the wealth and the fertility find in the “Section Architecture” – with the Associated presences of Alvaro Siza, Ciamarra Picas, Vittorio Di Pace, Nicola Pagliara, Marco Introini and others - and in the Voices of the Migrants and other strong point.
The artworks of Pietro and Rino Volpe mark Mediterranean signs in which the culture and the literature merge with the creativity making a unique collection.
A collection of HD video about the most important sites of the Campania Region will accompany the tourists of cruises and the visitors in the whole building: the ground floor facing on Municipio Square will host an info-point unique in its kind. The MAMT is also an articulated system of services in the heart of the city of Naples: the library, the emeroteque, the music hall, salt conventions, the restaurants, the Euromedcafé, the residences and the bookshop receive the visitor with sympathy and enthusiasm: that enthusiasm of the Mediterranean!

On the occasion of the "Living LAB - Mediterranean Diet" - webinar held with the partners and officials of the Campania Region and SCABEC - the president of the Michele Capasso Foundation proposed to create together the next "emotional" video for the Museum of Peace - MAMT dedicated, in fact, to the "MEDITERRANEAN DIET", a UNESCO heritage site.
On this occasion, the president Capasso thanked prof. Domenico Nicoletti - president of the Lucan Apennine National Park - for the expressions of esteem and recognition addressed to the thirty-year work of the Fondazione Mediterraneo

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With a series of webinar events - held at the headquarters of the Museum of Peace - MAMT in Naples, at the headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo in Rome and in other locations where members of the "Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation" are located - the "World Day of human rights".
The slogan chosen for the 2020 edition is "Recover Better - Stand up for Human Rights".
The focus has inevitably been on the pandemic and the need to ensure that human rights are at the heart of recovery efforts.
"People and their rights - wrote United Nations Secretary General António Guterres - must be at the center of responses and recovery. December 10 is the occasion - concludes Guterres - to reaffirm the importance of human rights in the reconstruction of world we want, the need for global solidarity, as well as our interconnectedness and shared humanity ".
"Universal reference frameworks such as health coverage for all are needed to defeat this pandemic and protect us for the future", underlined the president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso at the end of his speech. The crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic has increased poverty, increased inequalities and discrimination, highlighting gaps in the protection of human rights. This is why, on the occasion of this Day, the Foundation and the Anna Lindh Italia Federation onlus wanted to share a programmatic manifesto to address the main critical issues that emerged strongly in this 2020:

  • end discrimination of all kinds: structural discrimination and racism fueled the crisis. Equality and non-discrimination are fundamental requirements for a post-Covid
  • world tackling inequalities: it is necessary to promote and protect economic, social and cultural rights for a new social contract encourage participation and solidarity: from individuals to governments, from civil society and grassroots communities to the private sector, all have a role in building a better post-Covid world for present and future generations
  • promoting sustainable development: human rights, the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement are the cornerstones of a recovery that leaves no one behind

World Human Rights Day is a supranational celebration held around the world on December 10 of every year. The date was chosen to commemorate the proclamation by the United Nations General Assembly of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 1948.
The formal establishment of the Day took place during the 317th global meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on December 4, 1950, when Resolution 423 (V) was promulgated, inviting all member states and all organizations involved and interested to celebrate the day in the way that suits them best.
The Day is one of the flagship events on the calendar of the United Nations Headquarters in New York and is honored with high-profile political conferences and cultural events such as exhibitions or concerts on the subject of human rights. Furthermore, on this day the two most important awards on the subject are traditionally awarded, namely the five-year United Nations Human Rights Prize, awarded in New York, and the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo; in addition to these awards, many other international, non-governmental, civil and humanitarian organizations all over the planet choose this day for significant events: among them the “Fondazione Mediterraneo” and the “Anna Lindh Italia Federation onlus”

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The twenty-second anniversary is dedicated to the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.
Many students connected to the multimedia portal of the museum where - in the section “The great protagonists of history” - videos, images and documents on the President of the Republic so dear to Italians are available.
President Michele Capasso recalled the friendship between President Ciampi and Predrag Matvejevic' - co-founder of the Fondazione Mediterraneo - and the support given to the institution since the beginning of his presidential term.
The Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic Antonio Maccanico has always personally brought the message and the support of President Ciampi to the most significant initiatives of the Foundation. The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella recalled Carlo Azeglio Ciampi stating: "The Italian Republic, on the centenary of his birth, pays tribute to his figure as a citizen who has placed his skills, his ideals, his passion, at the service of democracy and the Constitution, deserving esteem and gratitude. The cohesion and unity of the country, the drive for the union of Europe, were the permanent guidelines of his action, in every role he covered, in the most delicate passages and even in the moments of greatest difficulty that he had to face. He was animated by his profound confidence in the values ​​of our country's civilization and in his ability to take the most far-sighted decisions, overcoming the most demanding challenges. Ciampi's determination in wanting to associate Italy with the leading group that wanted the birth of the euro still contributes to the credibility capital enjoyed by the Republic at an international level ", concluded the Head of State.
One hundred years after its birth, Rai has remembered and celebrated it with a dedicated schedule on all radio, TV and web networks and newspapers: events broadcast on the external video walls of the Museum of Peace - MAMT and which involved passersby and all those connected webinar. A memory that joins other initiatives such as the stamp issued by the Ministry of Economic Development and disseminated by the Italian Post Office, a conference in Livorno, and the docu-film “Ciampi. Bella la mi 'Livorno ”signed by Marco Guelfi and co-produced by
Rai Teche.

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The twenty-first anniversary is dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the death of the sculptor Mario Molinari.
Many students connected to the multimedia portal of the museum where - in the emotional path “Mario Molinari” - videos, images and, above all, the works of the “Sculptor of Color” so dear to young people are available. President Michele Capasso recalled the friendship with the Molinari family since 1995, the experience of the Biennial of young artists from Europe and the Mediterranean in Turin, the "Totem of Peace" - which the Foundation with Pia and Jacopo Molinari is spreading all over the world - and the other monumental works that characterized the life of the great Turin sculptor.
A memory that joins other initiatives such as the next "Totem of Peace" on the island of Lampedusa, the monumental work "Concerto di parole" in Turin for "Artist's Lights 2020", initiatives for young people

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