MAMT||Museo Mediterraneo dell' Arte, della Musica e delle Tradizioni (EN)

The MAMT- Mediterranean Museum of Art, Music and Traditions is an institution created by the Fondazione Mediterraneo with the aim “to experience” in an interactive way, the positive emotions of Our Sea through Arts, Music and Traditions. The MAMT is one of the most important initiatives of Fondazione Mediterraneo: an active space created in order to let communicate Arts, Music and Traditions of the Mediterranean contemporary society. The awareness of a past full of ancient traditions is the base for the construction of a rational and connected humanity: the vastness of the Mediterranean area collects together the responsibility, the hard work and intelligence with the ability to share spaces and cultures. Today, more than ever, the sense of future is given by the awareness of the sorrow, of the conflicts and at the same time by the ability to share joys and bond.
Art and Music are since ever the tool of communication and sharing of the humanity that, in a particular “Mediterranean” path, allows us to overtake the violence of the human being that showed itself in his greater brutality in countries as Bosnia, Palestine, Syria and other places: as testify of this there are Bosnia, in order not to forget and Suffering and Hope in the world, exhibitions of the museum.

At the same time there are symbols inviting to meeting and hope appear in lands of desolation and Hush: The Ferrigno Nativity Scene, the exhibition a Sea, three Faiths, the Peace and the Last Neapolitan Supper are part of the Museum.
Near the Totem of Peace and other works by Mario Molinari, sculptor of the color, accompanies the lonely journey of freedom, the Dreamlike World of John Crown and the desire of participation and recognition of the role of women in the Mediterranean in the exhibition “Breaking the Veils, women artists of Islamic World”.
Fado, Flamenco, Tango and Sirtaki, the Song of Naples, the Great Lyric Operas, Arabic Music and the Classics of all the times catch the attention of the audience with the acoustic perfection of the “Music hall” of the Museum.
The section dedicated to Pino Daniele has a particular meaning.
The warm of the Mediterranean human nature and the awareness of the necessity to keep track, the the wealth and the fertility find in the “Section Architecture” – with the Associated presences of Alvaro Siza, Ciamarra Picas, Vittorio Di Pace, Nicola Pagliara, Marco Introini and others - and in the Voices of the Migrants and other strong point.
The artworks of Pietro and Rino Volpe mark Mediterranean signs in which the culture and the literature merge with the creativity making a unique collection.
A collection of HD video about the most important sites of the Campania Region will accompany the tourists of cruises and the visitors in the whole building: the ground floor facing on Municipio Square will host an info-point unique in its kind. The MAMT is also an articulated system of services in the heart of the city of Naples: the library, the emeroteque, the music hall, salt conventions, the restaurants, the Euromedcafé, the residences and the bookshop receive the visitor with sympathy and enthusiasm: that enthusiasm of the Mediterranean!

The international Atelier on the Mediterranean Diet was held with the presentation of the partnership. Moderated by Carmela Cotrone, the following intervened:

  • Fondazione Mediterraneo [Lead Partner] - Michele Capasso
  • Cilento SCpA System - Aniello Onorati
  • BioDistretto Cilento Association - Emilio Buonomo
  • LivingLab MDnet Association - Maria Rosaria Nese / Luca Coppola
  • Futuridea Association - Carmine Nardone

Presentation of the MESA proposal Management project of the Palazzo dei Principi Capano International Mediterranean Diet Study Center 'Angelo Vassallo' by Maria Rosaria Nese. Suggestions of the Scientific Committee:

  • Filipe Themudo Barata
  • Salvatore Basile
  • Pilar Bonet
  • Maria Grazia Caso
  • Annamaria Colao
  • Giuseppe Gramigna
  • Domenico Nicoletti
  • Valeria Pezza 18:15-18:50

At the end of the workshop there was a discussion on the prospects and opportunities for a common strategy.

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UIL School teachers from various parts of Italy - in compliance with the distances and Covid rules - visited the "Churchill Room" of the Museum re-reading the text that the British statesman wrote about the "United States of Europe".
"A significant symbolic act - they said - necessary at this very moment to strengthen the minimal traces of a united and united Europe that are leaving a distinctive mark in this difficult moment in human history".
The teachers recalled the visit to the Museum and the "Churchill Room" on May 31, 2018 by viewing the photos and documents of that day in the visitors' archive.
At the end of the visit, President Capasso gave visitors the booklet on the "Churchill Room" containing documents and images on the history and authenticity of the site where the British statesman stayed in the months of August and October 1944

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On the occasion of the Feast dedicated to San Giovanni Bosco, numerous initiatives were held at the Museum of Peace: meetings of young people, visits to the emotional itineraries dedicated to Don Bosco, common prayers in the Chapel with the relics of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello.
On this occasion, a celebration of Holy Mass was officiated with a moment of prayer and reflection on the work of Don Bosco for young people

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Like every year, the Museum of Peace held various events with school students and various groups of visitors on the occasion of the "Memorial Day".
In the Sala Israel - inaugurated by Shimon Peres - various videos were projected, some unpublished, too, on the Shoah and on the deportation of Jews to the various concentration camps.
Emotion and participation in particular by looking at the testimonies of Andra and Tatiana Bucci on the occasion of their visit to the Peace Museum. Their story is moving: daughters of a Jewish mother, in 1944 - when they were only 6 and 4 years old - they were deported to Auschwitz and survived.
Today Tatiana lives in Brussels, while Andra between the United States and Europe.
On this occasion, the book "Storia di Sergio" by Alessandra Viola, Andra Bucci and Tatiana Bucci was presented: the story of their Neapolitan cousin who died in concentration camps

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