Federation Anna Lindh Italia || Onlus


The Federazione Anna Lindh Italia, not-for-profit, shares the aims of the Anna Lindh Foundation: created in 2004 by the European Commission together with the 42 Euro-Mediterranean countries.
The Federation's objective is to promote, support and implement the cultural and social interaction between Italy and the Euro-Mediterranean countries in various fields of action including: art, architecture, archaeology, environment, crafts, youth, women, human rights, migrants, crafts, employment, training, education, education, childhood, sports, interreligious dialogue, legality, music, food culture, empowerment, tradition, tourism, social solidarity, exchanges.
In particular, the Federation intends to implement initiatives in favour of young people, especially aimed at restoring their hope and confidence through the promotion of the "true",the "beautiful" and the "good”

On 3 July 2013, the Chairman of the Culture Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean, the Hon. Khalid Chaouki meets in Rome, at the Chamber of Deputies, representatives of the Italian Network FAL.

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30 June 2013 ends in lampedusa last phase of Laboratories Mediterranean, the project began in June last year of the Italian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation entitled “Mediterranean networking: step one Lampedusa”.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo is one of the partners in the project “Laboratories Mediterranean” coordinated by Carlo Testini (ARCI).

The President Michele Capasso attended the event and discussed with the mayor of Lampedusa and Linosa Giusy Nicolini on the legal issues of the island. On this occasion it was delivered to the Island of Lampedusa "MEDITERRANEAN PEACE AWARD 2013" for the commitment of its citizens in welcoming and integrating immigrants.

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Was held at Venice from 24 May 25, 2013 at the General Assembly of the Italian network ALF.
The Executive Director attended Andreu Claret, the co-ordinators Michele Capasso, Roberto Russo and Elisa Adorno, pl. Stefano Queirolo Palmas of MAE, the parliamentarian Khalid Chaouki and some members of the network.
After the greetings, the Executive Director of the Foundation “Anna Lindh” Andreu Claret was illustrating the next of the ALF guidelines.
Are then examined various proposals including one to concentrate available resources on a few useful initiatives to implement communication – especially through new social media – and the increased participation of the members of the network.
Of particular interest was the session devoted to the "capacity building" coordinated by the Deputy Director of ANSA Carlo Gambalonga and dedicated to the new media, the Internet and education.
Members present unanimously requested that in the next Step 7 of the Anna Lindh Foundation was assured such an experience in association with the General Assemblies, in order to allow new participants members to introduce themselves and to weave synergies and exchanges of experiences with other members.
The Executive Director Claret, the network leader Capasso and coordinators Russo and Adorno have undertaken to enter into a three-year program of activities that required action by members.

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